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Comment count is 35
Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-26

Wow, it's like when you glom onto all the resources and block access to them, people don't want to burden themselves with something that requires a lot of resources.

duck&cover - 2024-05-26

Hope that the human race goes extinct.

radiosquido - 2024-05-27

It's been a couple decades since a single income could provide a middle class lifestyle for a family and, boy let me tell you, raising a child while both parents are working full time and you are still budgeting everything is a gruelling experience. A rough estimate says that between work and childcare and domestic duties both of us have been working 70-80 hours per week every week for the past three years. This absolutely takes a toll on your physical and mental health on top of your finances. We talked about having another child and after having a miscarriage that ended up costing more than the birth of our kid but we decided we had to get real. We're driving 20 year old cars and have a lawn chair in the living room. We could do daycare--if we had, like, a third salary. We could also just plant our kid in front of a screen so we could work more, but we decided not to do that, no matter how much the grind is wrecking us.

I stopped watching after this guy was like, Oh there's nothing we can do to create an America that doesn't actively punish people for having kids. If a billionaire can write off private jets as business expenses, I should be able to write off the $2,000 per kid per month that daycare costs in my city. That would be a great first start.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-27

And with the "Effective Altruism" movement's goal of having their own fertilized eggs implanted into poor people in exchange for money, I guess the ultimate goal of the ultra-rich is to turn the planet into a giant insect colony.

The mass of humanity will be doomed to work for, provide for and defend the ruling class who are the only ones allowed to reproduce.

Nominal - 2024-05-28

but "abundance" !

ashtar. - 2024-05-28

As a DINK, I plan to get drunk in a kayak later.

Sludge Vohaul - 2024-05-26

His biggest fear is ending up in the sort of long term care system he's voted for all his life.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-26

Usually we hit a guillotines & gibbets phase before that happens.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-26

That was meant as a reply to duck&cover.

SolRo - 2024-05-26

America will never have a revolution against its oligarchs, you worship them too much and they have too much power to disrupt any violent uprising in it’s infancy.

The pinkertons will help the national guard mow down any organized efforts to overthrow the oligarchy and it will have a 65% approval rating from the rest of America

Nominal - 2024-05-27

Fun fact: Harvard security guards belong to the parent company of Pinkerton!

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-27

I'm pretty sure the Pinkertons are just there to cover the oligarchs' escape.

And the one thing we know about cops is they're only tough until people fight back. Faced with enough overwhelming force, whole communities of people out for revenge and no government infrastructure to back them up, they won't fight for long.

It will still be really horrible for most people, though. White supremacists will definitely seize control in the Southeast US and a lot of rural areas.

Jeriko-1 - 2024-05-30

"It will still be really horrible for most people, though. White supremacists will definitely seize control in the Southeast US and a lot of rural areas."

"All of this has happened before. And all of it will happen again."

The violent kids that kick cats and set fires (And cannot function in our society) will start bunching up out there on the periphery. And then when we've got thousands of other problems hamstringing our everything these throwbacks will wash over us like a tidal wave. Not burning it down to make anything better, but because they have become the human equivalent of Tolkien's orcs. They only innovate to destroy and dominate.

And where have we heard about this kind of thing before, class?

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-30

Don't forget there are organized White supremacist groups with deep political ties in the Southeast.

They're ready to roll as soon as the Federal government is too weak or unwilling to intervene.

It's already kind of started.

casualcollapse - 2024-05-26

I have the death overtake birthrates in my phones reminders 15 years from now

Nominal - 2024-05-27

Forbes: when you want financial news and The Wall Street Journal isn't far right enough.

Any system that relies on never ending growth is unsustainable, just like corporate capitalism.

casualcollapse - 2024-05-27

I’m no conservative shit heell Republican, but I double check the data and what he is stating is a true fact, even if it comes from a asshole who wants to outlaw abortion

Sputum - 2024-05-28

that is what he is saying, in a sense.

we require so much GDP growth because we keep borrowing money

teethsalad - 2024-05-27

i mean as far as demographic collapse goes america is in a better position than a lot of countries (cough)china(cough)

but don't let me stop you all from your regularly scheduled doomposting and lamenting being born in the greatest period of abundance in human history

casualcollapse - 2024-05-27

Pride goes before a fall, my guy, Your hubris has been noted

glasseye - 2024-05-27

Abundance for whom, exactly?

Gmork - 2024-05-27

abundance? of cancer-causing microplastics in every fetus and placenta? in the mariana trench and on top of mount everest? a sporadic (and growing) layer of PFAs floating on top of most water worldwide?

realizing plastic food containers even kept at 40 degrees freedom units still leeches cancer causing chemicals into whatever's stored in it?


thanks for the abundance, masters

Lef - 2024-05-27

Gmork, the media exists to tell us a fairy tale. The doom and gloom they feed us is the distraction.

Lef - 2024-05-27

Feed your mind at the trough, only the best and most balanced data. Let us guide your thoughts, after all, the screen knows best.

The fairy tale distracts us from the disasters that are crippeling our nations.

- Nitrogen rationing (fertilzer tax)
- Burning bee hives
- family farm collapse

There are so many more.

NBC tells the publc the carbon tax will save us and they believe!! !1!

Nominal - 2024-05-27

ha ha, we are much better off than the Boomers.

I had to sweep the piles of spare cash off my desk just to type this sentence. Curse you, abundance!

Crackersmack - 2024-05-29

China has a constitutional right to housing and their equivalent to our congress has 3000 people serving in it. China's justice system is also fully capable of prosecuting and punishing the very wealthy when they commit crimes.

Feel smug all you want about "demographic collapse" but China is more democratic than America and it's people enjoy a higher standard of living. And they built that in about the last 30 years.

The planet will be a better place when America is replaced by China as the preeminent superpower in the world.

Cena_mark - 2024-05-27

Then stop capping the social security tax. Right now the maximum at which one must pay into Social Security is $168,600. I'm sick of these right wing fucks fearmongering over declining birth rates. Society won't collapse and humanity won't go extinct. We have to stop growing the human population at some point. It can't grow forever. Rather than spreading the fear that Social Security will collapse, raise that maximum income or do away with it all together. I get sick and tired of hearing how the richest country in the world can't afford to give it's people a decent life.

Crackersmack - 2024-05-29

We don't actually have to reduce population unless you assume that the current standard of living for the top 0.5% is set in stone and cannot be changed.

We can choose to not allow that anymore. We can literally kill the landlords. Other nations have done it.

ashtar. - 2024-05-27

Immigration is a real good fix for declining birth rates, if you're not racist.

You could also try to build an economy that doesn't depend on limitless growth on a planet with limited capacity. But that's just talking crazy.

SolRo - 2024-05-27

The current economic problem isn’t limitless growth but exponential wealth extraction by the rich

Limitless growth will just make us run out of food and water eventually

ashtar. - 2024-05-28

We are very much up against hard limits to resource consumption. Well past them in fact. Less people, or less resource consumption per capita.

And when Americans say they'll die for freedom, what they mean is the freedom to consume.

ashtar. - 2024-05-28

Though you are right that economic inequality is tied into this.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-05-28

Okay, there's a whole lot of red flags here.

The Forbes Breaking News Channel, which I suspect is unaffiliated to the magazine, is a shameless right wing channel that specializes in clips of Republican lawmakers being edited to look they're owning the Dems.

Besides falling birth rates, the drop in population that is endangering Social Security has also been attributed to immigration restrictions, which have been driven, of course, by Republicans like this guy. How can there be a crisis of population decline when, at the same time, there's no longer room for new arrivals?

If anyone has the will to actually watch this, let me know if you can figure out what the real agenda is here. Are they getting ready to restrict birth control, or do they intend to blame the gays?

SolRo - 2024-05-29

You should look up housing affordability statistics if you’re curious about running out of room for more, but this is entirely an orchestrated problem created by the rich to keep their hoarded real estate wealth perpetually increasing in value

The problem should correct once the boomers die off and America will settle at a lower population equilibrium but it’s going to suck for anyone that isn’t a boomer or inheriting wealth from a boomer in the meanwhile

Nominal - 2024-05-30

but I heard we had more ABUNDANCE than boomers???

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