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Comment count is 5
Gunny McRifleson - 2024-05-21

Rugrats takin' ovah New Yawk?! FUHGEDDABOUDIT!!!

Sludge Vohaul - 2024-05-21

Klasky Csupo melts steel beams.

Nominal - 2024-05-22

Never got the appeal of that show.

It was hideous, and not in a stylish way.

90% of run time was staring at a diaper. The other 10% was spilled spittle milk.

When did it change that kids want to watch stuff about older kids, or adults, or robots being cool, not younger kids and certainly not babies?

Wasn't subversive like Rocko. Wasn't relatable like Doug. It was Uncanny Valley Muppet Babies, or Bobby's World Without Pants.

William Burns - 2024-05-22

It's a 90's Nickelodeon show. It's a barely-disguised showcase for the producer's sick fetishes.

garcet71283 - 2024-05-23

I’ve since become a father twice over and I finally understand the show wasn’t about the babies, it was about the parents.

My head constantly goes to Tommy’s dad stirring pudding in the middle of the night saying “I’ve lost control of my life”

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