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Comment count is 8
dowstroyer666 - 2024-05-19

My girls been Bumpen-its all night long.... You know wat im sayin!

Robin Kestrel - 2024-05-19

Worth it just to get that professional teasing comb.

Nominal - 2024-05-19

Also the nadir of music.

ashtar. - 2024-05-24

the nostalgia for this period is puzzling to me

scrungus - 2024-05-19

i thought bumpits was where they hold bumfights

ashtar. - 2024-05-19

no it's a part of the bum

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-19

One of my aunts on my mom's side still used hair rats until her hair started to thin.

Rafiki - 2024-05-19

Do you want to look like a 1960s backup singer?

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