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And please consider not blocking ads here. They help pay for the server. Pennies at a time. Literally.

Comment count is 3
Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-14

I want a Bokksu subscription so badly, but my guilt won't let me spend $40 a month on a carton of assorted snacks.

Gmork - 2024-05-14

All of the jelly based stuff is beyond gross. How is that jelly consistency enjoyable at all? It's like those gross clear pies you see on youtube. Might as well buy a jar of gelatin and sprinkle sugar on it and eat it with a spoon if that's your jam.

TeenerTot - 2024-05-15

Reminds me of when my dad had a brain tumor, and all his liquids had to be thickened to make sure he wouldn't aspirate while drinking.

But, go ahead and enjoy that, I guess.

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