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Comment count is 7
Cena_mark - 2024-05-14

That ween trying to talk to CWC is pathetic. If I ever saw CWC in the wild I'd shout, "JULLLLAAY, JULLAAAAAAY, JUUUUULLLLAAAAAY!!!! IT'S IAN BRANDON ANDERSON!!!"

Pillager - 2024-05-14

Can we please have a "Cabbage Patch" or "Flutter" tag?

Cena_mark - 2024-05-14

Why does Flutter warrant a tag? She seems like a minor figurebin Christory.

Pillager - 2024-05-16


The Girl Friend Quest has ended.

Tags are needed.

Quad9Damage - 2024-05-16

I would stay within eyesight and quietly sip a Fanta.

Cena_mark - 2024-05-17

You can hardly see her in the video. People still don't know what her role is. She may not be a GF from the ground up. Also she wouldn't even be CWC's first. Most likely the third.

Cena_mark - 2024-05-15

I'm disturbed by the lack of enthusiasm for Christory on this site. Those that don't know Christory are doomed to repeat it. I can see many people here making the same mistakes as CWC.

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