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Desc:Music video for "The Goonies" this is a better quality dupe, and the whole thing is in one piece.
Category:Classic Movies, Music Videos
Tags:80s, cyndi lauper, pro wrestling, Goonies
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Comment count is 7
Hooper_X - 2007-07-09

I could never give this less than five stars. Pure distilled Essence of 80s Childhood.

eatenmyeyes - 2007-07-09

-1:08 Cyndi casts Summon Frenchman!

Doomstein - 2007-07-09

Good times

Xiphias - 2007-07-10

Now THIS is nostalgia.

zatojones - 2007-07-10

Was that Nikolai Volkoff milking a fake cow in the back of a pickup? Awesome.

Hooper_X - 2009-03-12

Yes. Also, Roseanne Barr was the witch and the fucking BANGLES are on the pirate ship in the second half.

This video continues to amaze, even today.

Namor - 2007-07-11

Last Chance Hibachi.

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