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Comment count is 15
SolRo - 2024-05-08

I mean is there any time he’s not being a bigot these days?

Tempted to 1 star for making me watch any Maher

yogarfield - 2024-05-09

lol, "fresh and interesting"?

I think you meant "seemed like he sucks and is boring".

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2024-05-08

Back in the 90s, before there was YouTube and Fox News, Bill Maher seemed fresh and interesting.

ashtar. - 2024-05-09

smug was to gen x what quirky is to millenials

Quad9Damage - 2024-05-09

Racist? Smug, definitely. And really awkward the way it kept cutting back to his grinning yes crew. But I didn't pick up much racist, unless you meant against Canadians.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-09

His "If we let immigrants in, it will ruin everything" bullshit.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2024-05-09

immigration DOES drive down wages, immigration DOES drive the cost of housing up.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-09


Corporate executives drive down wages.

Landlords drive up rent.

It's all done in the name of profit and profits have to keep getting bigger.

If there were no immigrants, the executives would cut jobs or outsource to other countries with cheap labor.

If there were no immigrants there would be less housing built.

This is end-stage capitalism. The only way to maintain "growth" is to restrict access to resources and therefore make them more "valuable."

teethsalad - 2024-05-10

immigration is generally a net positive but you can't just kick the doors open and bring on large numbers of people and expect not to run into any unintended consequences or blame all of those problems on fatcat capitalism

or just handwave away the laws of supply and demand because mumble mumble "end stage capitalism" "landlords bad" mumble

prang - 2024-05-10

If you look at who's lining up at job fairs here it's a lot of international students and other young people who have just immigrated, and the positions they're going for are almost all minimum wage. Like it is a wage that legally could not be lower. Like besides the whole anti-immigrant sentiment, how are they driving that down exactly

Quad9Damage - 2024-05-10

I swear to God, my neck is about to snap in half, constantly looking over my shoulder for these evil Mexicans I keep hearing about.

"Hey, how come inflation is insane right now and everybody I know had to pay out the ass to Federal this year?"

Any remotely left-leaning person I know right now: "Trump cocked up the tax laws."

Every conservative I know: "Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans Mexicans"

betamaxed - 2024-05-10

Oh look it's the least talented cast member of D.C. Cab who grew up to be Dennis Miller 2.0.

How the hell does he still have a show?

Binro the Heretic - 2024-05-10

Oh, shit! I totally forgot he was in that movie.

SolRo - 2024-05-10

My theory is that now he’s just a suckup parroting the political opinions of the higher ups who keep his show alive

Anaxagoras - 2024-05-13

Yes, he's always been a turd, but he used to be kinda entertaining now & again.

But these days.... nothing but pure tedium. Jesus H. Christ.

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