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Comment count is 13
SolRo - 2024-05-05

Physics dictates that if you try to stop your body from falling using only an opposing force coming from your head then that would be equivalent to the force of a hangman’s noose

The Mothership - 2024-05-06

Dude that is totally right! But it's like, a comic book? Turned into a cartoon and all?

And Cyclops is somehow not a jerk in this version? Explain that!

SolRo - 2024-05-06

He’s still dickish

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2024-05-06

@Solro Incorrect! A hangman's noose causes a sudden stop, all the deceleration happens in one moment, which is what breaks the persons neck. By applying a force *over time* Cyclops could have slowed down gradually.

SolRo - 2024-05-06

I’d be amenable to that theory if cyclops had the neck muscles of a linebacker

yogarfield - 2024-05-06

The darkest joke I have ever heard was some big wig going on a tangent at a conference for the NYSSIPP (basically a board review course for surgeons in New York state).

Old, Brooklyn-ass dude goes on a tangent about how to properly hang yourself. Given the generally low basement height in NYC, "You need that jerk, so you're going to have a happier time killing yourself outside the city."

Architeuthis Tux - 2024-05-06

When I lived in upstate NY, a local gym teacher accused of molesting kids killed himself in the sheriffs station by using the cord from the lamp tied into a drawer on the desk and then laying down under the desk.

Considering how deeply weird the guy was behaving, I actually don't think that was a 'suicide'.

Cena_mark - 2024-05-06

Cyclops slows his fall gradually, plus he's a superhero.

SolRo - 2024-05-07

Arch we’re mostly talking about the force needed to snap a neck to do a “humane” hanging. What you’re describing is just slow strangulation.

garcet71283 - 2024-05-07

The desk thing actually isn’t that uncommon in prisons, just reimagined with bedsheets and a bed.

Once you pass out, gravity does the rest of the work

yogarfield - 2024-05-08

@arch Yeah, that sounds like a Carradine Event.

yogarfield - 2024-05-06

To embed a short on a site, replace "shorts" with "watch?v=".

Sludge Vohaul - 2024-05-07

Good thing he wasn't landing over a Colorado suburb or something.

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