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Comment count is 5
notmyoldname - 2024-03-29

It's certainly one of the most faithful adaptations of a book to screen I've seen. That's not the point of an adaptation. Middling evil.

For a truly misguided literal adaption of a book I suggest "Breakfast of Champions" as it appeared on Showtime with Bruce Willis as the syphilitic car dealer and a special scene of Nick Nolte running down the street in unflattering orange lingerie.

duck&cover - 2024-03-29

No, tell us how you really feel.

Nominal - 2024-03-29

All the wit and humor of Discworld was in the narration.

Strip that out, and you're left with all the flat adaptations.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2024-03-30

Yeah and the footnotes and the footnote's footnotes

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2024-03-30

More of a tree structure rather than linear

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