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Desc:it's worse than what's shown here. this lady and her helper are going to jail. and hell.
Category:Horror, Religious
Tags:Ruby Franke, Jodi Hildebrant, 8 Passengers, batshit Mormons, sociopathic narcissism
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Comment count is 7
exy - 2024-03-26

context, from which you probably have to erase a space:
https://globalnews.ca/news/10377530/ruby-franke-journal-child- abuse/

ashtar. - 2024-03-26

100% just sadism. She likes hurting people, she's invented an ideology that allows her to do that without guilt.

Listen folks, if you don't give yourself permission to dress up in a leather harness and consensually whip twinks, it's going to come out somewhere else and it'll be darker.

Lef - 2024-03-26

That kid needs to pray harder.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-03-26

How fucking long was she uploading this shit? How many people saw this and reported it?

Why wasn't anything done sooner?

Jesus tap-dancing Christ.

Cena_mark - 2024-03-26

I think it's because the abuse seen on video was largely psychological. Show her whuppin' her kids, and the cops will be there in a moment, but psychological abuse doesn't get the same attention.

Nominal - 2024-03-26

Nearly indistinguishable from Kate Gosselin.

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2024-03-31


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