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Desc:We forget that we ride atop a vast sea of magma until the surface cracks open.
Category:Nature & Places, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:hell, magma, Iceland, lava, volcano
Submitted:Mr. Purple Cat Esq.
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Comment count is 4
garcet71283 - 2023-12-19


glasseye - 2023-12-20

Have some stars

SolRo - 2023-12-20

Pretty sure I saw a Balrog in there…

ashtar. - 2023-12-20

See? We can't make lava like this anymore, folks. Mt. St. Helens? Great eruption, the best. Quiet since the 80s. Sad. Yellowstone Super Volcano? Giant magma dome, really terrific. Powerful, bold, a winner. We just want it to blow up and kill us all, am I right? Yes we do - winning! I've always said –and a lot of people are saying this – that a fiery death is the best death. A really terrific way to go, stupendous.

I'm a winner, I love winners. Annihilating volcanic fury is a winner. But do you know who doesn't love winners? That's right, democrats. They're always talking about safety and precautions, as if we can't handle a little lava. They don't want us to detonate our very great and beautiful nuclear weapons under Yellowstone. And what are we going to do, folks? Are we going to let them win? No, what we're going to do is: Make America Glowing and Molten Again! Make America Glowing and Molten Again! Make America Glowing and Molten Again! Chant with me folks! Chant!

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