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Comment count is 4
Nominal - 2023-12-15

Doesn't take much to realize why the maga GOP is crazy about unrestricted Israel and Netanyahu's government. They both think and talk the exact same way.

The only checks they want on Israeli expansionist policies are blank ones.

Lef - 2023-12-15

Are you doiing OK?

Have you gotten your latest covid booster that Trump made for us?

I wouldn't want you to get sick.

Gmork - 2023-12-15

You mean the one trump had no hand in making and waited months to even begin the production of, resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths?

That one?

Crackersmack - 2023-12-15

ok now tell me why the Democrats are "crazy about unrestricted Israel and Netanyahu's government" because Biden's administration keeps sending them money to help them kill Palestinians faster

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