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Desc:Comments are appropriately sassy
Category:Crime, Humor
Tags:stabbing, George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, violence is bad but sometimes funny too
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Comment count is 22
yogarfield - 2023-11-26

That one unlinked tag is brilliant and should be linked.

Crackersmack - 2023-11-26

I'm glad this happened because I genuinely thought that killer cops that go to prison probably get separated and treated like royalty by the guards.

Cena_mark - 2023-11-26

A victim of the same brutal and vindictive criminal justice system he upheld.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-11-26

The prison system in USA is extremely fucked up. First of all, the whole insane prison-industrial-complex. Secondly, the fact that prison is scary because its tacitly accepted that inside a US prison is basically anarchy and the prisons are rife with crime, gangs, drugs, rape and violence. It's some 1984 level shit where "justice" is apparently sending someone to a place where justice is exempt.
Also theres reams of data showing that it doesnt work. There's no rehabilitation, the prisoners come out even more criminal then they went in.

I guess the main reason for it all is that it's cheap and result in more and more prisoners and prison-industrial-complex go brrr.. But there is probably some small element of a freakish medieval punishment to it, like hanging drawing and quartering.

SolRo - 2023-11-26

Americans get a hardon for punishment and revenge, so prisons being horrible is intentional. Not going to soothe that hate boner if the person who wronged you is put away to get rehabilitated.

Might as well just drop the pretense and send people to hard labor camps, at least that way some infrastructure projects can get done.

Cena_mark - 2023-11-27

Labor is still a huge part of the prison system only most of it benefits private companies.

Gmork - 2023-11-27

The cruelty is the point.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-11-26

I love how, after a White former cop gets stabbed, the reporters are concerned with the violence and lack of security in the prison.

It's like when bussing was implemented and people were appalled White kids had to endure the same poor conditions at school as Black & Hispanic kids.

SolRo - 2023-11-26

Yeah the New York Times clutching its pearls about prison violence only after a psychotic white cop gets stabbed is peak blue-blooded shit

Nominal - 2023-11-26

The NYT seems to have gotten really fucking bad with its "both sides" messaging in just the last 5 years. I don't remember it being THIS bad 6-9 years ago.

glasseye - 2023-11-26

The moment that made me realize how unbelievably shitty they are is when they went bananas supporting the case for the Iraq war. It wasn't until over a year later they were like "were we wrong?"

SolRo - 2023-11-26

NYT basically supports whatever the US government establishment wants (not the partisan shit, but like what the CIA and Defense Department wants)

So they are very pro war, pro interventionism and pro Israel

Just imagine what a bunch of rich white assholes with all their money in defense contractor stocks would think and you can predict what the NYT will write

Nominal - 2023-11-26

You think the CIA and defense department wanted them to publish The Pentagon Papers?

SolRo - 2023-11-26

I’m sure what they did 50 years ago is relevant to today, in some universe

ashtar. - 2023-11-26

It seems like it used to be that every cop I talked to was like "yeah, fuck that guy" and now it's pretty common to believe that Floyd died from excited delirium and drugs and Chauvin was wrongly convicted. New guy in my state agency lateraled over from county and is one of the latter; I am not thrilled about it.

I think the vaccine mandates were really good for agencies that adopted them because they flushed a lot of the unprofessional right wing shitheads
that put their facebook MAGA uncle politics over public safety and following policy out.

ashtar. - 2023-11-26

*"fuck that guy" as in fuck Chauvin. I had an academy instructor break down all the stuff they did wrong during the contact (like, not being able to handcuff correctly, which led them to have to get him out of the car to re-do it and not using the radio properly with delayed medical aid's arrival), even aside from the brutality and civil rights violation.

glasseye - 2023-11-26

All Cops are Derek Chauvin.

ashtar. - 2023-11-26

Remember when they had the CHAZ/CHOP and then several black people got shot there? And then there was a drive-by shooting and self-appointed "security" chased down and shot some black kids in an SUV that turned out to be unrelated? And no one found out who did any of it because people kept the police out and messed with the crime scenes?

Crackersmack - 2023-11-26

I'm a moderate centrist and think that we can have something between 'cops are gangs' and 'gangs are cops'

Pillager - 2023-11-26

Oh Karma. Beautiful, Beautiful Karma.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-11-27

*knee’s acting up, gonna rain*

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-11-27

Can't we all just get along?

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