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Comment count is 5
casualcollapse - 2023-10-19

I want to shout free Palestine when I walk by the mosque to work but I don’t want to draw attention to myself and it’s a college mosque so that makes me even less likely to say anything

Adham Nu'man - 2023-10-20

"you're not asking the right questions!"

Woman couldn't even answer some pretty basic stuff...

exy - 2023-10-21

Yeah, I'm on the side of literally thirsty Palestinian civilians here, for sure, but that activist rankled my Elizabethan collar, for also sure. Engage with the question, yo, or at least fully own up to being militant and present your spiel. Grind your axe or keep it in the shed.

Can't rate. Still appreciate this guy's ability to pull words outta people, still far from convinced that he's not a POS who'd say anything for a hunk of pussy. The rap-biased finish didn't hit the same, after his scandal. (That it didn't hit very hard, artistically, as a hunk o' rap is not my point.) This submission was the first indication that reached me that this guy was still pointing cameras out there.

exy - 2023-10-21

Why, yes, I did watch plenty of stale-ass syndicated "Leave it to Beaver" episodes, and yes, "Ma, can I have a hunk o' milk?" transformed me as an English speaker. Is that so wrong?

exy - 2023-10-21

/another/ hunk of milk

take this cup away from me

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