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Desc:Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by cop when she drives into him.
Category:Crime, News & Politics
Tags:Police, Shooting, pregnant woman
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Comment count is 14
casualcollapse - 2023-09-05

Sounds about white. Property over people , fucking disgusting.

Accidie - 2023-09-05

what are you going to do? shoot me? as she drives into a cop.
sorry, but I'm saving my outrage for the cases that deserve it. This might not have been the right thing, but it wasn't unprovoked and insane.

SolRo - 2023-09-05

The cop should not have been standing in front of the car, she did not deserve to get executed over potential shoplifting or/and having a shitty day

Binro the Heretic - 2023-09-05

If a cop is stupid enough to risk death over someone else's property, fuck 'em.

I've had a lot of shit stolen from me in my life. I don't feel any of it was worth a cop getting their fool self killed over.

ashtar. - 2023-09-05

I did something similar just out of FTO. Stood in front of a car of a trespassing subject who wouldn't ID (his girlfriend who had a DV protection order on him was in the car, so I would have arrested him if I ran him) to prevent him from leaving. He pushed me for like 15 feet on his hood. Got out of the way, ID'd him from the license plate and security footage, referred charges and he got an assault and an obstruction charge. Real dumb to stand in front of the car, have not done that again.

This guy is probably legally ok since getting a car driven at you makes you have a reasonable fear for your life, and she did make the decision to do that, but seriously bad police work.

SolRo - 2023-09-05

If it’s against policy/training I would expect it to be manslaughter, since the cop was negligent in his actions.

(At least that’s how manslaughter law works for normal people)

ashtar. - 2023-09-06

I mean, you shouldn't leave a knife lying around, but if someone picks it up and goes to stab you, you're still able to defend yourself. Dumb to stand there, but he's still going to respond according to the situation. Generally, legally, if someone is trying to run you over, that's a deadly threat and shooting them is an appropriate force response.

I think the important question is whether he could have gotten out of the way once she started driving. That's what I would try and argue if I were the family's lawyer. It's very likely to come back as justified use of force, but they'll probably get a settlement.

SolRo - 2023-09-06

So civilian protesters would be justified in killing any cop that uses their car to “push them” out of the way?

ashtar. - 2023-09-06

If you want a real answer: possibly. But police use of force is judged under Graham v. Connor (and associated state and case law) and civilian violence would be judged under whatever homicide exemptions are carved out under state law.

Crackersmack - 2023-09-05

mfers will jump in front of a moving car and 360 noscope a pregnant woman through the windshield to save $25 of TJ Maxx's property but won't confront an active shooter in an elementary school

Binro the Heretic - 2023-09-05


SolRo - 2023-09-05

Well to be fair it’s a lot easier and less scary to kill an unarmed pregnant woman point blank than searching for someone who will definitely shoot at you

ashtar. - 2023-09-06


Crackersmack - 2023-09-06

That was a pretty good one. So was the one where they got the trans person that shot up that school. But then there's also Uvalde, Parkland, Pulse, etc.

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