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Comment count is 27
Crackersmack - 2022-12-20

I read this dumb shit on the internet like a year ago and have not returned a cart since

casualcollapse - 2022-12-20

I hope you’re just being a little shit but if that’s true yeah that scans

Crackersmack - 2022-12-21

I bet John Wayne Gacy always returned his cart

Spike Jonez - 2022-12-21

Always lack-of-virtue signalling, little crackhead.

love - 2022-12-21

human skidmark announces brown hue and fecal aroma, news at 11.

casualcollapse - 2022-12-21

“Please, I’m just trying to get home. 😭 I have frozens.â€

Crackersmack - 2022-12-21

there is no virtue or lack of virtue involved in the decision to leave a cart in a parking lot

unless you leave a cart in one of those 'reserved for our law enforcement partners' spaces at walmart which is obviously virtuous

Spike Jonez - 2022-12-22

"There is no inherent lack of virtue to being an asshole on purpose just to fuck with random strangers' days. I don't know what a virtue is, but I know cops are virtuous because the law is virtue."

Crackersmack - 2022-12-22

the people that post here are so confusing sometimes

Spike Jonez - 2022-12-23

Yeah, you do seem to have problems with understanding very very simple things.

Crackersmack - 2022-12-23

I assure you that the people that collect carts are not agonizing over why other people leave carts in the parking lot; the idea that this is a problem or indicative of some individual character flaw is something that only nerds whose minds have been thoroughly poisoned by the internet could even conceive of

the fact that this retarded essay circulated as widely as it did, and was made into this dumb 'wear sunscreen' video celebration of it, just shows how many people are so fucking addled that trash like this passes as some kind of rare wisdom that must be shared

casualcollapse - 2022-12-23

Cracker, just purely based off your response lends more credence to this theory than you can ever imagine holy shit your lost in the sauce and too close to the source, take a step back

Spike Jonez - 2022-12-25

LOL you dipshit. I'm not saying "people", I'm saying YOU

scrungus - 2022-12-20

if everybody returns their shopping carts, stores won't have to employ people to retrieve the carts, and people will lose their jobs

SolRo - 2022-12-20

Yeah the nazis made up excuses too

Binro the Heretic - 2022-12-20

As someone who's spent a big portion of their lives working retail, I can tell you they don't have designated cart-gatherers.

It's something employees have to run out and do quickly in between their other tasks.

Callamon - 2022-12-21

The Zorg theory of economics.

casualcollapse - 2022-12-21

You sound like my dad telling me throwing trash out the window keeps Pakistanis in jobs, I don’t believe you and I don’t believe him

casualcollapse - 2022-12-21

In Saudi

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-12-21

I mean theers no moral / ethical rule without exceptions. What if they were buying food for the orphans and dont have time to bring back cart before the orphans starve? Or what if they were buying ammo to shoot a billionaire and they only have a seconds long window to get him which they would miss by returning cart?

casualcollapse - 2022-12-21

Jeanay said emergencies don't count so you good

simon666 - 2022-12-21

It can be wrong not to return the cart and also wrong to allow orphans (who deserve our care) to starve. Thus, you could have a moral theory that says you've wronged by not returning your cart yet have discharged your moral duty to the orphans. It's not like there is an exception to the moral requirement to return your cart. You've just committed a wrong in the course of your moral obligation to save the orphans.

casualcollapse - 2022-12-21


Binro the Heretic - 2022-12-21


simon666 - 2022-12-21


casualcollapse - 2022-12-22

Yes I totally could, but I won’t. But I have the option

Binro the Heretic - 2022-12-22

As long as the option exists.

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