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Comment count is 7
duck&cover - 2022-11-22

They need more Securitrons.

badideasinaction - 2022-11-22

This guy has never lived in a big city before (besides Vegas), has he?

Or he's filming this for people who've never lived in a city.

yogarfield - 2022-11-23

For sure. I gave it a couple minutes, and this seems like boilerplate urban disasterporn.

I see and ignore shit like this on my morning walks to the store.

badideasinaction - 2022-11-24

"You can see homeless people!"
"Look, a discarded soda bottle!"
"Run down apartments!"

*ominous music as someone trying to walk by walks away because he doesn't want to walk into the shot*

Like yes dude, you don't want to walk between the strip and Fremont street in the dead of night, but this is weaksauce.

yogarfield - 2022-11-24

It has to be feigned outrage for tourist clicks, which is ironic. I live right next to some very popular tourist attractions. I'll take homeless encampments and general gutter trash over fucking clueless tourists that can't parallel park, hit my car, and think standing in the middle of the road is acceptable human behavior.

Jeriko-1 - 2022-11-23

Stobe the Hobo did these parts of Vegas better than this clown. Search for his videos, he was pretty rad.

yogarfield - 2022-11-24

RIP. Didn't you say you knew him?

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