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Comment count is 12
Cena_mark - 2022-10-26

Cool footage, dumb tourist. Dude had plenty of time to run. I heard that sound tons of times when I was in Alaska.

Adham Nu'man - 2022-10-26

Just off the length of the video: he had about 45 seconds to run. Don't know if I'd call that "plenty of time"...

SolRo - 2022-10-26

Boat boy avalanche bouncer thinks guy had plenty of time to outrun an avalanche that moves at the speed of a car.

jfcaron_ca - 2022-10-26

You couldn't run to avoid an avalanche of that size, but spending more time bracing would have been a good idea.

It looks like it was already pretty thin by the time it hit the guy. Lucky.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-26

DURRRR, HE CANT OUTRUN AN AVALANCHE. You think I don't know that. Funny that you think that's what I was implying. You're supposed run perpendicular from the path of the avalanche. Had he run to the side he might have avoided it completely, or at least not have been caught in the middle of it.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-26

Given a conservative speed of 10 mph, he could have run over 200 yards in 45 seconds. Dude would have completely avoided the avalanche had he just booked it to either side.

SolRo - 2022-10-26

Boatbouncer McDoubledown is here to tell us which way he would have run after getting to watch the complete video of the paths the avalanche took.

And of course as a bouncer he can run at 10mph on uneven/loose stone terrain. They practiced that a lot at boat adult daycare.

You are so stupid.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-26

The guy could have gone even faster. I was going by conservative estimates. A relatively fit guy can do 14-17 mph, in an emergency. The terrain is rough, but the guy is hiking, he's used to it, and is probably above average fitness. He could have taken advantage of the terrain running in a downhill course away from the center of the avalanche. The downhill path would have aided his speed. AGAIN Zolro,I used conservative estimates. Even if he ran 5MPH that's over 100 yards. The average avalanche is only about 50 m wide. If you're in the center you only need to do half of that. Maybe you should read about avalanches and come to educated conclusions rather than go the "I have Cena, he's such a big dum dum" route.

jfcaron_ca - 2022-10-26

Downhill perpendicular to the avalanche path would risk putting him in a "terrain trap" where the snow depth covering him would be higher than otherwise. Better to find a good bracing spot just behind a rise, so if you get buried you have a better chance of pushing through or getting dug out.

simon666 - 2022-10-26

I think Cena's main point was the guy should not have just stood there as long as he did and tried to get into the best place available be it out of the way completely or something safer within the impact. Pretty uncontroversial or so I'd have thought. Here are stars for fun.

Crackersmack - 2022-10-26

nobody thinks the avalanche is gonna travel like 5 miles and get you, standing there makes sense until it doesn't

Cena_mark - 2022-10-27

Whether you should run to the side or hunker down, one should be aware of avalanche safety. Kyrgyzstan is one of the top destinations for Russians fleeing conscription. Inform all your Russian friends about avalanche safety.

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