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Comment count is 3
Cena_mark - 2022-10-07

Piping in cheers like Vince McMahon for a 2015 Roman Reigns at a Smackdown taping.

yogarfield - 2022-10-08

Sad that I know who Roman Reigns is, because the NFL has been cross-promoting some dumb wrestling match with that Paul kid.

Nobody really wants to take the shame match and legitimize him in any way, but it would be so fucking funny if Jiri said "Fuck it, I'll do it. Ref has to be Miragliotta or Mazzagatti."

That's probably the only way I'd pay for anything Paul related, because there will be a betting line for seconds of unnecessary blows landed before stoppage.

Nominal - 2022-10-07

NATO forced them to dub in the cheering.

The sonic blast was the only thing that would unclog all the hidden nazis from the sewers.

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