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Comment count is 25
Cena_mark - 2022-10-04

Reagan's Star Wars program will blast any stupid Russian missile

Nominal - 2022-10-05

It's always going to be vastly easier to develop technology to defeat the interceptor than it is for the interceptor to defeat the missile.

"But this is designed to shoot down only a couple crap missiles from rogue nations like North Korea!"

They could easily smuggle a warhead in a container ship to any American port of their choosing, if they really REALLY wanted to nuke a city.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-05

You think it's that easy? Lol

simon666 - 2022-10-05

I believe you, Cena, but could you, for us who don't know, say a bit about the protocols involved in securing international shipping to the US?

Nominal - 2022-10-05

Completely inspecting every single container on a ship long before it gets miles away from a port is a total reality, sure thing you dope character.

I believe that even less than I believe the possibility of a practical missile defense shield.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-05

"Durrr, we can't inspect every container before it arrives!"

Tell me you know nothing about port security without telling me you know nothing about port security.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-05

I'll school you on why later, Nomihole. But I'm at work and I don't want to type all that shit on my phone.

SolRo - 2022-10-05

I’ll put my 5 dollars on the explanation being “jingo, jingo, jingo but the US government is secretly a lot more competent and something something top secret technology a lot better than what currently exists”

Nominal - 2022-10-05

Magic, much like the idea that no country would ever be able to get a vending machine sized warhead within 3 miles of a port city thanks to the Coasties.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-06

Well why haven't they done that Nomihole? Let me tell you something funny about port cities, they don't tent do lay right at the open ocean. They're located in harbors. You'd have to sail about 20 miles from the entrance of New York Harbor to actually get to Manhattan. Seattle, you're having to sail 100 miles through Puget Sound. Tell me you know nothing about port cities, without telling me you know nothing about port cities.

SolRo - 2022-10-06

Look at this call of duty total motherfucking utter idiot thinking that nuking a major hub port doesn’t matter as long as you’re not hitting the google maps center of a city name.

And he doesn’t know about the port of Los Angeles because of course he’s that dumb.

Your gomer Pyle ass needs to learn about international trade and radiation fallout before you even try to act like you can join the conversation much less act like you know anything.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-07

Our ports are safe because we're competent and because of top secret technologies and special ops ninjas.

SixDigitDebt - 2022-10-07

Fun fact for you flabbanabbbas.

Having nuclear weapons only guarantees two things;

1. Having them means you won't get invaded. It's guaranteed sovereignty.

2. Using them means you will get annihilated. Significant fallout will fuck the entire northern hemisphere.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-06

Then why not load it into a truck. Why doesn't Kim just rent a Seadoo and take a warhead to Long Beach? He doesn't cuz he can't

SolRo - 2022-10-06

Oh god you’re getting more dumb jingo every post.

Maybe Kim wants the nukes as a deterrent to keep himself in power and a bargaining chip to remove sanctions??

Like, you seriously view him as some Saturday morning cartoon villain trying to destroy America every week only to be foiled by the impossibly smart and pretty American heroes?

Cena_mark - 2022-10-06

You think every military is as incompetent as Russia's. But not every military sucks on that level.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-06

Kim is far worse than a cartoon villain. I know he's not actively plotting to nuke America. He just desperately clings to power to the detriment of his people. He's far worse than a cartoon villain. Putin is reaching his level of pathetic cruelty.

SolRo - 2022-10-06

So are you at some point going to explain to us ignorant not coast-guard-leeches, as promised, why it’s unpossibe for anyone to sneak a nuke on a random container ship bound for a US port?

Cena_mark - 2022-10-07

Loose tweets sink fleets.

SolRo - 2022-10-07

“I'll school you on why later, Nomihole. But I'm at work and I don't want to type all that shit on my phone.”

Guess they don’t teach honesty at coast guard kindergarten

SixDigitDebt - 2022-10-07

I'll actually field this one for you, SolRo.

There's a LOT of very visible factors and triggers that need to happen before a nuclear weapon can be planned, assembled, transported, loaded onto a delivery platform, and actually delivered in a way that wouldn't be effectively intercepted. If you get caught trying to sneak a nuke into the USA for detonation, you and your whole country is toast.

The amount of perfect secrecy to pull that off is so difficult to attain that I'd consider the whole enterprise so unlikely as to call it impossible.

Nominal - 2022-10-08

Less obvious and toast that actually launching them from your country.

The entire (public) justification of missile defense is that countries are already willing to do that. Even if the impossible were to happen and we got the perfect missile defense system, if the aggressor rogue nation/organization was THAT determined to nuke, then they could do so in any number of clandestine ways that don't involve missiles.

No matter how impossible you claim smuggling a warhead to the US would be (I say it wouldn't be impossible at all), the likelihood of reliable missile interception is even more so.

It's a white elephant pork project. Always has been.

SolRo - 2022-10-08

Americans arent developing missile defenses to protect themselves from rogue nations.

It’s so that America can start using nukes again as a terror weapon.

Because you can be sure as hell that without the fear of MAD there have been more than enough American leaders who would have loved to just nuke their international problems away.

Nominal - 2022-10-09

Now you're being dumb in the other direction.

SolRo - 2022-10-09

It’s literally only for political/strategic gain.

When America is certain it has a flawless missile defense system the first thing that will happen is it will start deploying nuclear warheads worldwide near any country it opposes and then try for regime change in North Korea.

If America wanted to get rid of the threat of nuclear weapons then it could have been working towards global disarmament for who knows how many decades now. But to America it’s only important that other countries don’t have nukes while America holds on to its arsenal.

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