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Desc:Parents trick son into cooking dinner for viral views. Don't get me started on the culinary sins.
Tags:kid, helicopter parents, elephant ear fish
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Comment count is 12
SolRo - 2022-09-16

Voted up to 1 star this stupid quick cut staged garbage.

You old guys getting dementia?

duck&cover - 2022-09-16

Yes, enjoying my second childhood.

yogarfield - 2022-09-16

Was uploaded for the evil of the stupid staged garbage aspect.

It's in the tags and description, but reading comprehension is something that comes with dementia, you salty old fuck.

Pillager - 2022-09-16

SolRo, you're the one who needs therapy. Not us.

yogarfield - 2022-09-16

@Pillager Yeah, it's weird that this was seen as "look at what this cool kid did!" and not "this is an example of desperate 3rd world helicopter parents trying to get ad revenue, and also let's make fun of the evil."

Like, did SolRo think that people would actually believe that kid could baton that fish?

I was going to add some hilarious tags, but I'm leaving it as-is to make it clear how off-base he is.

One-star for SolRo. Bad Solro, bad!

SolRo - 2022-09-16

Okay so it is dementia.

Because how the fuck you get “lets laugh at this staged video” out of “parents trick kid into cooking dinner + helicopter parents”

yogarfield - 2022-09-16

Yeah.. its never been a tradition here to make fun of shitty internet trends or anything, right? It's ok, I know you're just having a sundowning moment.

Robin Kestrel - 2022-09-16

That is clearly an adult little person.

Crackersmack - 2022-09-16

it's entirely possible that the little dude can do most of this himself, children in the rest of the world aren't like American children

SolRo - 2022-09-16

It’s possible, but it’s also kind of obvious this particular kid does not yet have the strength and coordination to handle processing something this large without extensive off-camera help.

yogarfield - 2022-09-17

"It’s possible, but it’s also kind of obvious this particular kid does not yet have the strength and coordination to handle processing something this large without extensive off-camera help."

I'm out of one-stars, so can somebody please one-star SolRo's DUH moment?

Accidie - 2022-09-16


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