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Desc:An attempt from Motown to reach the white mormon market of the late 80s
Category:Arts, Religious
Tags:1987, motown, casual sex, poeTV Learns Chastity, Carrie McDowell
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Comment count is 8
casualcollapse - 2022-08-27

That's some fine ass celibacy-wave

Jeriko-1 - 2022-08-27

That booty belongs to the Elders and they aren't about to share it. Stripped of all the trappings cults are just a way for old men to get bling and underage snoo-snoo. There is nothing more to them. That's incredibly depressing in its basic-ness.

casualcollapse - 2022-08-28

After her one and only album, Carrie left Motown Records and married guitarist Michael Hodge in 1989. In 1991, the couple settled in Nashville. They have a son named Gabriel. Carrie and Michael are now Christian country\gospel musicians, performing under the name "Two Hearts." They performed in Kenya and South Korea in 2002. They released two albums, "Give 'em the World" and "Stand Your Ground."

fuck I hate religion so much

love - 2022-08-28

You are cordially invited to an evening of consensual intercourse with Carrie McDowell, August 31, 1987.

Proper dress required


Maggot Brain - 2022-08-30

Hot take: Motown has always been crap.

Sludge Vohaul - 2022-08-30

The label or the bands?

Maggot Brain - 2022-08-30

The label and the whole motown sound mythos, there were other labels, bands and producers out at the time who were doing the "big band in a tin can" sound. Berry Gordy was incredibly lucky he was able to find the acts he did when he did.

Sludge Vohaul - 2022-08-30

I'll agree to all of that but I still like a lot of bands and musicians that got their shot on the Motown label.

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