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Comment count is 10
Crackersmack - 2022-08-25

they want you to believe the country that lost about 30,000,000 to Nazis are now the Nazis, Ukraine is winning while begging everyday and losing land, Russia is bombing a nuclear plant they are guarding and now own, and Putin was unprovoked

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-08-25

This guy has a good channel. He does updates *every day* showing all the data he can get his hands on. He usually shows the days changes on the crowdsourced military maps and then a roundup of news and stuff from social media.

SolRo - 2022-08-27

Great Ukrainian Patriot only asks for donations to his personal bank account. Slava Idiots.

SolRo - 2022-08-27

Well I’m glad, that despite this video getting voted through, that this site isn’t just a clusterfuck of idiots reveling in the death of Russian people while fully engorged on Ukrainian/American propaganda.

Anyone want to submit some of the videos of Ukrainians executing bound Russian PoWs? (One of the very few ones that Ukrainians were stupid enough to record and upload to the internet)

Jeriko-1 - 2022-08-28

I don't particularly have any fucks left for the Russian Federation or their apologists. If any shmuck NOT living in Russia is waving around a Z banner for example they deserve whatever they get. And I hope it hurts real bad. :D

SolRo - 2022-08-28

War crimes a-okay as long as you’re fighting for America.

casualcollapse - 2022-08-28

Now you're learning.. what kind of world are you living in where governments don't oppress people? No matter where they are, I will go for the system with the best ideals and that seems to be the American system. So stop it with this unpatriotic bullshit unless you are in fact not an American

SolRo - 2022-08-29

Ideals don’t mean reality. North Korea has amazing ideals.

Crackersmack - 2022-08-29

American ideals include: keeping a higher percentage of our population in prison than any society has previously in all of human history, spending three times as much on our military as the second largest military in the world (which belongs to a country with 4 times our population), having a system of government that does not respond to the needs or best interests of the population at all, doesn't provide for a right to housing, healthcare, education, or even due process if you are victimized by a cop or the courts.

The world will be a significantly safer, happier, healthier place when America is third behind China and Russia. And that's not to say that those countries are great, but at their worst they can't hold a candle to America's cruelty.

cognitivedissonance - 2022-08-30

I, the peasant stacking hay in late summer shortly after the Black Death, have heard of a war in a far off land, and go back to my waining.

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