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Comment count is 8
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-08-01

The learning beds the Venture bro's sleep in just play 100's of videos like this..
Also total bushdog stinkeye at 0:18

poorwill - 2022-08-01

"The learning beds the Venture bro's sleep in just play 100's of videos like this.." I have absolutely no idea what this sentence means but it sounds good so I'd like you to explain.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-08-01

U might be disappointed. Theres a cartoon called 'the venture brothers'. The titular characters are sort of like Johnny quests two sons when he's an old has-been super-scientist. The brothers sleep in special learning beds that educate them while they sleep instead of going to school.

poorwill - 2022-08-01

Oh I get you now, I just didn't parse the sentence because I haven't watched the VB. Just torrented the series tho, so maybe I'll get around to it!

Lef - 2022-08-02

First season is a little rough. The character development and in-jokes then take off like a rocket.

Accidie - 2022-08-02

yeah, season 2 onwards it really is legendary stuff.

Binro the Heretic - 2022-08-01

Danger dachshunds!

Nominal - 2022-08-03

Huh? This isn't Barbara and Jenna.

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