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Comment count is 7
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-05-23

Rich 'Friday' girl has grown up and is now marrying another rich guy?

yogarfield - 2022-05-23

This was from 2012 or so. It's been ridiculed off the internet, and is one of the few times I'm sad that there's no Youtube comment section to browse. Imagine the decade of shit talk stolen from us.

xennui - 2022-05-23

From one of the creators of "Yoga Girls of the World."


exy - 2022-05-23

would. it's no 3-Second Rule, but it's enjoyably bad.

exy - 2022-05-23

https://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=107440 if yer feelin nostalgic

Lef - 2022-05-25


ashtar. - 2022-05-23

Not a terrible song for an amateur wedding thing.

But they're just so insipid and basic. This is the class profiting from the world being run into the dumpster, and it's all for the sake of their insipid wine painting classes, watered down appropriated spirituality, and franchise IP fandoms.

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