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Comment count is 22
Binro the Heretic - 2022-04-14

Did Sam Kinison and Dane Cook have a baby?

SolRo - 2022-04-15

I thought jokes are supposed to be funny?

Crackersmack - 2022-04-15

the point where the broad left lost the culture war over trans shit is when it became about kids, rightfully most of America thinks it's fucking nuts to teach children in 3rd grade and earlier about gender identity and sexual orientation, let alone to begin medical transition at that age

the backlash is severe enough that gay marriage is now at risk nationwide, good job shitlibs you've set us back a couple decades

SolRo - 2022-04-15

Good job towing the line for xtian theocrats controlling public education.

Crackersmack - 2022-04-15

you sound like a reactionary

SolRo - 2022-04-15

“If only you’d let the xtian taliban control every aspect of all children’s lives then republicans wouldn’t win elections!”

-best logic

Crackersmack - 2022-04-15

see that's a major part of the problem right there, the hysterical way that opponents of the bill frame it just does not match up with what the law really does, and when people look into it and learn that it blows giant holes in your credibility

ashtar. - 2022-04-15

There's no losing the culture war! The more it amps up, the more you get money and votes for essentially doing nothing except symbolic gestures. The Democrats love this shit as much as the GOP does.

I do find "mainstream" "respectable" rebublicans adopting QAnon tactics of calling everyone a pedophile groomer deeply hilarious though.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-04-15

>>>the point where the broad left lost the culture war over trans shit is when it became about kids, rightfully most of America thinks it's fucking nuts to teach children in 3rd grade and earlier about gender identity and sexual orientation, let alone to begin medical transition at that age

Here's why you're full of shit: You've adopted the crackbrained GOP line that there's some kind of universal liberal agenda to teach every third grader about gender transition, and I don't think there is.

But these issues do come up. Gay Teachers, gay parents, maybe even gay kids. The real agenda at work here is that NOT ONE CHILD should inadvertently learn that being gay or trans is normal and by not inferior to being straight. Let the kids with nontraditional parents learn that their homes are a shameful secret, and they don't really matter.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-04-15

>>>the backlash is severe enough that gay marriage is now at risk nationwide, good job shitlibs you've set us back a couple decades

You fucking moron, how do you always manage to actively blame the liberals for permitting what the Right is actively doing? How exactly does this pretzel logic form in your brain? It's a fake argument that you always use because you lack a real argument.

Crackersmack - 2022-04-15

there's not a universal liberal agenda to do anything except block the left and cash checks from the same people that pay Republicans

really this should be called the "Libs of Tiktok" bill because the hysteria stems entirely from a few very active rightwing social media accounts that spend all day finding actual teachers saying insane shit and looking like complete lunatics on social media, and publicly identifying/shaming them

it's overblown and promoted for disingenuous reasons, but the fact is that there is a non-trivial number of educators in America propagandizing elementary school kids about extremely niche sexual orientations/identity in a way that is genuinely alarming to the great majority of normies.

that concern is sincere and cannot be shouted down or ignored no matter how much you want to, and lying about the actual legislation is the worst thing you can do. reality is that it is perfectly reasonable to say "if you teach 3rd grade or below you cannot tell your kids about your personal sexual orientation, sex life, gender identity, etc without parents being involved". that's not a crazy or indefensible position. you have to argue your own point on it's merits, you're not going to get to bully people on this

Binro the Heretic - 2022-04-15

Nobody is teaching third graders about sex.

They made it "about kids" with their bullshit claims that kids are somehow endangered.

It doesn't matter what it is. They will always scream, "WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!"

You're as bad as the neoliberal Democrats with their, "Oh, don't talk about same-sex marriage! It will angry up the GOP voters! Don't insist Democratic candidates have a pro-choice stance! It's more important that they win in swing districts. Just keep quiet and then maybe in 20 or 30 years, we'll fight for those things... if the poll numbers are good."

The vast majority of GOP voters don't give a shit one way or the other about LGBTQ rights. All they care about is the high price of gas, groceries and rent. This is a small rancid loud-mouthed gaggle of assholes.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Crackersmack - 2022-04-15

bullshit, there absolutely are teachers in early education putting extreme emphasis on gender and sexual identity in their classrooms, there's plenty of legit evidence. like I said there are several very popular social media accounts that find these teachers proudly admitting as much, and they find enough of them that it really is alarming

and yes as a overall percentage of teachers it's still very small, but you have to recognize what you're arguing against here. you can't just do the normal thing that shitlibs do and blame it on Russia or handwave it away. this shit is real and it is disturbing, and of course people are going to demand legislation to address it, and instead of being reasonable you're letting the craziest Republicans in America clean your fucking clock on a topic that is incredibly dear to almost everybody; their own children

Binro the Heretic - 2022-04-15

Is teaching them LGBTQ people exist and aren't freakish monsters your idea of, "putting extreme emphasis on gender and sexual identity in their classrooms."

There aren't any third-grade teachers whipping out diagrams of genitals.

Crackersmack - 2022-04-16

if it was only that of course not, but we both know that isn't what this is about

SolRo - 2022-04-16

So you want to prove any of your neocon AM radio conspiracy theories or just keep demanding republicans should get to control childrens lives based off of those conspiracies?

Crackersmack - 2022-04-17

perhaps the correct answer is somewhere between 2nd grade drag queen pageants and fully ceding control of school policy to religious fundamentalists

SolRo - 2022-04-17

How about not treating at best an extremely rare outlier (if it’s even real) on the same level as actual laws being passed.

There are no democratic politicians passing laws requiring 2nd grade drag pageants.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-04-15

>>>There's no losing the culture war! The more it amps up, the more you get money and votes for essentially doing nothing except symbolic gestures. The Democrats love this shit as much as the GOP does.

Ashtar talks like he not only knows every Democrat personally, but he knows their inner thoughts. He doesn't know shit.

ashtar. - 2022-04-16

There’s a big difference between people who run the party and get paid for it and the people who support the party and pay the former group. The fact that these two groups have different and incompatible interests is one of the biggest reasons why nothing has improved in the last 40 years.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-04-15

>>>the backlash is severe enough that gay marriage is now at risk nationwide, good job shitlibs you've set us back a couple decades

The shitlibs were the ones who accomplished gay marriage, you block of wood, you malfunctioning bot.

Crackersmack - 2022-04-15

no actually it was the SCOTUS that did it, Democrats could have used the gigantic majorities they had in Obama's first term but you know actually legislating good things is impossible for Democratic majorities

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