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Comment count is 17
yogarfield - 2022-04-12

Every time I've been to SD, I'm still shocked that absolutely fucking nowhereville gets to have TWO senators and 3 electoral votes.

Boxhead - 2022-04-12

That's your take-away from this video?

Crackersmack - 2022-04-12

I think that the CASE 150 Road Locomotive should be a senator

yogarfield - 2022-04-13

Yes, it is. Have you ever been to the Dakotas? SD doesn't even have the miserable oil boom towns that ND has.

This video of an ancient tractor train dragging a bunch of fat high school grads through a field is the most interesting thing that will happen there all year.

That and they're still stupid enough to be John Deere stans, when Deere is doing all they can to squeeze everything out of the modern farmer before replacing them with automation. It's a microcosm of the American problem.

Crackersmack - 2022-04-13

John Deere is a truly evil company and people being fans of it is the dumbest thing in the world

ashtar. - 2022-04-14

The Senate is dumb, but the Dakotas are great. So is eastern MT and Wyoming. A lot of people seem to hate wide open spaces; I've never been sure why.

The politics in these areas are difficult, though a lot of my friends out there voted for Evan McMullin or someone because they're too Christian or libertarian for Trump. Mostly really nice people though.

Crackersmack - 2022-04-14

if there were any engineering/manufacturing employment opportunities at all there I would already live near Flathead Lake in Montana because I swear it is the most beautiful place on earth

ashtar. - 2022-04-14

It is! I used to live near Arlee; a friend would take people out on his boat on Flathead. I've been tempted by ranger jobs around there, though most are seasonal and would involve a significant pay cut. I'd also have to convince my wife, who wasn't as enamored with Montana as I was. And, unfortunately, Whitefish and Kalispell are getting expensive and sort of gentrified. Also a lot of skinheads.

yogarfield - 2022-04-15

Lol Flathead Lake, home of Ben Garrison and his secret archive of naughty Trump doodles. It's kinda pretty, but wow the locals are shit.

ashtar. - 2022-04-15

It’s on a reservation you racist.

ashtar. - 2022-04-15


From when I used to work for a commercial bee keeper in the foothills of the Mission Mts. (That's my boss, I'm taking the photo.)

ashtar. - 2022-04-15

oops, https://ibb.co/4ZtTbfM

yogarfield - 2022-04-16

Quickreply failed:

Like I've stated previously, you aren't even trying anymore. Not that I care about your obviously disingenuous attempt to call me racist, but you know exactly what I was saying.

Flathead County is 96% whiskey tango, and the vast majority of them are raging with the Trump Fam.

And lol, like I'd click a link from you. Fuck yo bees.

ashtar. - 2022-04-16

The reservation is in Lake County. Kalispell and Whitefish do indeed kinda suck. Have you ever actually been there?

Lol @ thinking a free image hosting link is malware or something. It's a nice picture. Fun job, though I got stung a lot.

yogarfield - 2022-04-16

Yeah, been there several times, most recently last fall. I wasn't pulling the "locals are shit" out of nowhere. It's alright but I would never want to live there.

Even in Missoula I had strangers heckle me for wearing a mask. This was a few weeks prior to Montana having their rapid COVID spike that I believe was highest per-capita in the country at the time.

Washington has plenty of idiot militias and undereducated Trumpist / Culpists, but the remote locales here are more to my taste.

But yeah, I've been there. If you get bored there's a ton of abandoned houses for sale on the west coast that are pretty fun to explore (I think north of Elmo, but I can't recall), and if you feel spendy they're relatively cheap.

yogarfield - 2022-04-17

oh and the ps would be I didn't think it was malware, but you're generally pretty toxic so why would I give a fuck about a photo of your boss?

yogarfield - 2022-04-16

Like I've stated previously, you aren't even trying anymore. Not that I care about your obviously disingenuous attempt to call me racist, but you know exactly what I was saying.

Flathead County is 96% whiskey tango, and the vast majority of them are raging with the Trump Fam.

And lol, like I'd click a link from you. Fuck yo bees.

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