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Desc:They keep tweaking the algorithm to hide this kind of content.
Category:Horror, Food
Tags:, marbles, SFW fetish, The Human Baby Rattle, swallowing objects
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Comment count is 15
Lef - 2022-03-30

voted up for the innocent yet disturbing yt comments.

.Happy tea
.5 months ago
.I am amazed at the ability you have to fill your stomach with marbles 😚

ashtar. - 2022-03-30

there's a whole marble swallowing community on youtube that BIG TECH is trying to CENSOR just like in RUSSIA

casualcollapse - 2022-03-31

I'm glad youtube finally pulled the plug on RT News channel

ashtar. - 2022-03-31

(serious voice now) I am fine with that individual instance, but I think large private corporations having the effective authority to decide what news and information is allowed, often in non-transparent ways just by tweaking the algorithm, is a very bad thing.

ashtar. - 2022-03-31

To be clear, my position is that tech platform monopolies should be broken up or nationalized.

yogarfield - 2022-03-31


Do you really think that is possible? Because it isn't.

Also ugh to this video. Fat people doing dumb things is so 10 years ago.

Crackersmack - 2022-03-31

???? of course it's possible to break up monopolies, our government used to do it all the time (when it was less corrupt)

ashtar. - 2022-03-31

It's unlikely because powerful interests oppose it. But it's still a good idea. And things will continue to get worse until we do it. Like a lot of things.

Sputum - 2022-03-30


casualcollapse - 2022-03-31

video where he sticks them up his butt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PacXayJFnqY

Raggamuffin - 2022-03-31

popped in to check poe after a long time because I was thinking about shoenice

yogarfield - 2022-04-01

shoenice thoughts, GO!

Raggamuffin - 2022-04-01

"what was up with shoenice?"
"I wonder what shoenice is up to?"
"I hope shoenice is doing well."
"did shoenice die?"*

*no. in fact he is on tiktok and cameo

yogarfield - 2022-04-02

I hate to give you the real truth, but he went off the rails and started wars with other.. youtube overeating, chugging, hot sauce loser types. Seems like he tried to run a few cons and failed, there's a possibility that he faked a lot of videos and he's now homeless and bitter.


jangbones - 2022-03-31








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