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Comment count is 51
Lef - 2022-02-13


Your posting this while real news is being published?

Enjoy the following years. I hope you and your loved ones will be comfortable.

SolRo - 2022-02-13

I can never decipher you rambling

teethsalad - 2022-02-13

"sitting president who lost attempts to seize voting machines as part of his failed coup" is apparently not news if you're far enough down some dumbshit tinfoil hat rabbithole, i guess

Lef - 2022-02-13

that's OK SolRo, I cannot make sense of you either.

You'r like an enigma wrapped on a peanut butter drenched spring roll.

SolRo - 2022-02-13

Well that certainly clarified your views

Crackersmack - 2022-02-14

seems kind of silly to go through the trouble of "seizing voting machines" when just letting Democrats have the federal government for two years is gonna result in massive Republican majorities for years to come

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-14

>>>Your posting this while real news is being published?

Yeah, genius, and you're commenting on it. Wherever this real news alluding to is being published, I think you should go there. You'd be a lot happier.

Remember SolRo, when Kamala Hariss cuts off your balls, because she believes that this will somehow "promote racial equality", you could have prevented this needless bloodshed if you'd just posted more serious content.

Lef, Poe-News went down something like ten years ago. This is Poe-TV. People post things here that aren't news all the time, mkay?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-14

And here comes Crackersmack, to once again explain how voting for Democrats elects Republicans. See, Lef, not everything posted here is news.

Crackersmack - 2022-02-14

it's because the Democrats don't do anything John, they just lie about being obstructed and everything gets worse

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-14

And he's still doing it, and it's still not new.

teethsalad - 2022-02-14

yeah yeah, unless they completely gut the every standard procedure & professional courtesy to force centrist democrats to get mr. billy boatman over here everything on his personal wishlist, you're not intetested, we get it, you've made it abundantly clear

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-14

>>>>it's because the Democrats don't do anything John, they just lie about being obstructed and everything gets worse

Crackersmack, I don't expect you to watch the video, but readers of english will note that the title of the video is "Trump and Rudy Were Directly Involved in Plan to Seize Voting Machines: A Closer Look"

See, you seem to be trying to get me to regret my vote against the people who were PLANNING TO SIEZE THE VOTING MACHINES ! Why would you even try to do that? What is there to be won?

teethsalad - 2022-02-14

>>>>> See, you seem to be trying to get me to regret my vote against the people who were PLANNING TO SIEZE THE VOTING MACHINES ! Why would you even try to do that? What is there to be won?

at least now he's acknowledging the theft - i remember he was dismissing all of this as hysterics from those dastardly libs - baby step one, baby step two, i suppose

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-14

Not really. He hasn't mentioned it. That was just me, trying to explain the title.

Crackersmack - 2022-02-14

surprisingly I'm not that worried about the conspiratorial fever dreams of Trump and Giuliani, two of the dumbest, most inept idiots on planet earth.

however it is on topic to point out that these kinds of people only have political careers because the Democrats are somehow even more out of touch and useless

Nominal - 2022-02-14

Is this the same "real news" that tells you vaccines are unsafe?

Lef - 2022-02-14

Nominal, I understand you are an idiot and unable to do anything about it. Best of luck to you and your loved ones.

glasseye - 2022-02-15

John Holmes Motherfucker: nobody gives a fuck about how you voted. Voting is the least relevant thing imaginable.

Nominal - 2022-02-15

Lef, Cracker, Ashtar, and glasseye always make the exact same nonsense points in the exact same flavor of useless. Is it really a surprise that everyone suspects they're the same dull sock puppet?

I had half of them blocked before. Time to replace the rest of their comments with (fart). You guy(s) are either too stupid for discourse or too disingenuous and tedious for attention.

Crackersmack - 2022-02-15

intelligent discourse is when we makes excuses for the inaction of powerful politicians that don't care if we live or die

Gmork - 2022-02-15

It became pretty obvious that some dumb rich libertarians joined poetv just to spread their entirely useless both sides rhetoric. You aren't missing much - the few times I turned it off the discourse had not become any less bad faith. Looking at adding a fourth name to the list.

ashtar. - 2022-02-16

"I think the state should nationalize the pharmaceutical industry without compensation and run it as a public trust." -Rich libertarians, apparently

Crackersmack - 2022-02-14

"unless they completely gut the every standard procedure & professional courtesy to force centrist democrats to get mr. billy boatman over here everything on his personal wishlist"

how about they just do anything at all, just give us fucking some sign of life, something other than money for cops and israel

SolRo - 2022-02-14

Shut up republican shill

Crackersmack - 2022-02-14

we have a pandemic causing like three 9/11s a week now, and the response of the unified democratic federal government is "well jack you can take your mask off now, maybe that'll get my poll numbers up"

glasseye - 2022-02-15

My team being in charge is much more important than a million dead from a preventable disease. OBVIOUSLY.

ashtar. - 2022-02-14

Can anyone tell my why the Biden Justice Department, some congressional body, or a blue state DA isn't investigating this or any of Trump's other crimes and putting him/his family on trial? As far as I know, immunity only affects sitting presidents. Maybe that would prevent him from being president again? I'm sure there's something they could find that's actionably criminal.

Because, in the absence of actual prosecution of Trump or his family members, this sort of stuff comes across as either vapid hysterics for the sake of outrage entertainment or like the Democrats are too ineffective to stop blatant criminal behavior when they are nominally the party in power.

SolRo - 2022-02-15

You really only read far-right trash.

ashtar. - 2022-02-15

You mean Jacobin? There's a whole buffet of "tankie" insults there for you to use if didn't have these weird brain parasites that prevent you from distinguishing between Communists and Nazis.

I realize I sometimes use ironic language but I intended both of those points literally. 1) Why isn't Trump facing criminal charges? Seems like a good idea. and 2) Not doing that is incredibly bad messaging.

I am not proposing an answer to 1.

ashtar. - 2022-02-15

...because I don't have one; genuinely baffling

SolRo - 2022-02-15

I really need to get that automated blocker running.

Everything you post is worthless.

You see nothing but the little comfortable information bubble you surrounded yourself with. If makes you feel good and superior. In reality you look like an ignorant idiot.

ashtar. - 2022-02-15

Any time you want to make a substantial point and pop my informational bubble, you're welcome. I keep asking you to do so and you just make insults.

SolRo - 2022-02-15

See you’re so dumb that you think people not willing to engage your disingenuous and stupid viewpoints means that you’re “winning”

You sound exactly the same as every stupid trumptard and xtian inbred. Your opinions are so shit no one will even waste their time arguing with you. You’re only worth insulting and nothing else.

Crackersmack - 2022-02-15

Sol you gotta admit that it's a bit suspicious that Trump hasn't been charged yet, I thought this was a slam-dunk case, I was told for four years that Trump was a historically unprecedented criminal.

glasseye - 2022-02-15

You see, the real crime is any criticism of the Democratic party.

Galaxy brain stuff.

glasseye - 2022-02-15

Also, this Democratic plan to court left-of-center voters by belittling and insulting them at every turn is SOLID GOLD.

Crackersmack - 2022-02-15

I'm pretty sure that the entirety of the Dems midterm strategy is to just go over-the-top with how much they love cops and pretty much nothing else, I guess we're gonna pretend that covid isn't happening

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-16

>>> I thought this was a slam-dunk case

You did? You sure didn't hear that from me.

You know how I think this plays out? Biden pardons Trump, conditional on Trump going away. And everybody will gnash their teeth and rent their garments over the injustice of Trump getting off, and they won't be wrong, but the country will be saved, at least until the next installment of the franchise.

And in a very real way, getting Trump to back down is the worst thing you could do to him. it would be a public humiliation, and the MAGAGAS would know it. I honestly don't care what happens to that mean, crazy old man, as long as he goes away. I think they should build a wall around Mara Lago, tell him it's 2030, thank him for his three terms of making America great again, and hire Kid Rock to play golf with him all day. Dress up his favorite hooker to look like Ivanka and let them go on a cruise together. I don't care if he's punished.. If there's a Hell, he's going there, and if there isn't a Hell, that's probably good news for me.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-15

>>>Sol you gotta admit that it's a bit suspicious that Trump hasn't been charged yet, I thought this was a slam-dunk case,

Jesus Christ, you are dumber than a box of dirt.

Watch my mouth. When you say "it's a bit suspicious", does that mean THAT YOU SUSPECT SOMETHING? Are we supposed to guess at what you suspect?

Make a fucking argument, okay? Don't imply that an argument could be made. Your argument will lack an argument.

>>> I was told for four years that Trump was a historically unprecedented criminal.

No shit, Mycroft. And do you understand that since criminal case law is based largely on PRECEDENT, charging an UNPRECEDENTED criminal could be tricky?

Stop acting like someone is being inconsistent. None of those guys on MSNBC are in charge of this decision. These people are prosecutors. They're not trolling for attention on the internet. Unless they're running for reeltection. They're not the people whove been telling you how easy it's going to be.

Crackersmack - 2022-02-15

wait so is Trump a criminal or not

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-15

HELL YES HE'S A CRIMINAL! Did one of your parents ever take you to one side and gently explain to you that sometimes criminals get away with it?

Trump's superpower is staying out of jail. I believe that Trump doesn't really want to be President, but talking about running in 2024, and talking about how he really won in 2020, is how he hopes to stay out of jail, and it may work. Here's the deal with Trump, and it was especially aparent on January 6. He's not as stupid as we want to believe. Trump is always aware of the line that he can't cross, and he always walks right up to it, and stops, and THEN some other idiot will cross the line for him. Hello, Capitol Rioters! Welcome to "Under the Bus"! Please move along

Let me explain this in a way that maybe even Crackertoa, East of Having a Clue, can appreciate.

They're gathering evidence. The more time they take to gather evidence, the more evidence they will have gathered, And they're going to need ALL THE EVIDENCE. Do you want me to draw a picture?

I read a story recently about federal courthouses undergoing a security upgrade. They're getting ready. Someone will charge Trump, because so many people can, and we need to do it. Unless I'm wrong. There is no future predicting technology, not even for Linux.

Crackersmack - 2022-02-16

John you know that this fantasy of yours isn't all that different from the Qanon stuff? Those people also believe that grand trials are being prepared behind the scenes for the prosecution of global criminals

Crab Mentality - 2022-02-15

Crackersmack, Ashtar, did you know there's this neato site called Facebook where you can meet lots of other highly opinionated people who think they know everything?

For months now you've been pretending like you're some sort of guiding light through all the bullshit, constantly spouting poor-faith arguments and acting like if only everyone had listened to you all along, everything would be fine right now.

What are you doing to fix the world, asshole? Arguing with the smallest group of people you can find and still losing?

We're not gonna vote trump with you in 2024, die mad about it.

Crackersmack - 2022-02-15

nobody cares who you vote for or don't vote for because it doesn't fucking matter, but I do get enjoyment out of pointing out that you all vote for candidates that largely disagree with the politics that you claim to support, this never gets old for me

what are you doing to "fix the world?" voting for Hillary Clinton? lol good luck with that

also I have posted on some form or another of Portal of Evil for over 20 years, I like it here, and I don't use facebook except marketplace and only because it pretty much killed craigslist

ashtar. - 2022-02-15

"Months now"? I'll have you know I've been a smug, annoying internet communist since like 2017.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-16

You know, it's a little embarassing, but I'm beginning to think that I may not be able to fx the world.

ashtar. - 2022-02-16

I am confused about why it is generally agreed on here that I'm a "rich libertarian" arguing in "poor faith" and a "sock puppet." I guess "russian bot" is not on trend, but I recall someone asserting that when it was.

It's not like there's a lack of annoying internet communists. Have you guys heard of twitter?

It is genuinely sad and troubling to see apparently reasonable people descend into the same sort of conspiratorial thinking that animates the Q people. I guess enough cognitive dissonance between your worldview and reality requires it?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-16

>>>I am confused about why it is generally agreed on here that I'm a "rich libertarian" arguing in "poor faith" and a "sock puppet."

This is all news to me, except for "Poor faith".

I'm pretty sure that Crackersmack is actually the return of Evil Homer. Homer seems to be slumming it, adopting a persona that requires less intelligent thought, but Ishtar remains a mystery, like Racer X, or Evil Morty.

Another mystery: How did it take so long for me to come up with the idea of calling him "Ishtar"? I hereby declare ISHTAR to be PoeTV canon!

Crab Mentality - 2022-02-17

I don't actually care how long either of them have been here, they've just been especially loud in the last few month, prodding us with the shocking hypocrisy that we failed to find, and elect the truly perfect politician like it's some sort of daytime TV gotcha moment.

Personally I always just thought of this place as a sieve for youtube in which the comments are actually worth reading because they tend to be thoughtful or at the very least funny.

But you know, whatever, just keep attacking literally anyone who hasn't just said "fuck it" and decided to accept the lowest common denomenator.

I guess I don't know what would actually make them happy! But I could hardly give a fuck anyway, seeing as how I'm sure it's something beyond our power anyway.

.....wait, WHY aren't Ashtar and Crackersmack just on facebook again? That's exactly what it's for.

Crackersmack - 2022-02-17

Facebook is for you! That's where you guys go to exchange memes about how Putin and Trump are gay together, or whatever you shitlibs do for fun. Facebook is full of people with your politics, not mine.

Crab Mentality - 2022-02-17

I wouldn't know. Nor do I know why you or Ashtar are here.

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