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Comment count is 7
Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2021-08-31

Never not funny.

Crackersmack - 2021-08-31

the second guy Kyle shot had a Glock in his hand and every legal justification to murk that slimy little fuck, the lesson to take from this is don't carry the gun if you're not gonna pull the trigger when it counts

dowstroyer666 - 2021-08-31

On Wednesday, his associate told a judge in one case that Mr. Pierce had gotten Covid-19 and was in the hospital on a ventilator — but only after telling a prosecutor in another case that Mr. Pierce had been in a car accident. That same evening, a different associate told a reporter that Mr. Pierce had in fact been hospitalized, but was getting care for “dehydration and exhaustion.”
So who knows were he is...


SolRo - 2021-08-31

I’ll put $20 on neocons “making up excuses other than covid” for their stupid die off event to save face.

SolRo - 2021-08-31

Forgot these happy little stars

Gmork - 2021-09-01

Rittenhouse supporters all need to die. Indefensible murderous cunt.

yogarfield - 2021-09-01

Fix the title because I thought that tubby manchild had COVID and was also in on a ventilator. Fake Good News'd me.

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