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Comment count is 20
Lef - 2021-08-12

I see a great future for the "Screw your Freedoms" tag.

Cena_mark - 2021-08-12

Agreed. Freedom means absolute disregard for society to today's RepubliKKKans.

SolRo - 2021-08-12

No country is founded on absolute freedom, because that is anarchism.

teethsalad - 2021-08-13

always hilarious to see people generalize all the founding fathers, who disagreed with each other on tons of shit, as a infallible ideological monolith

glasseye - 2021-11-28

Where by "country" SolRo means "state."

There are absolutely anarchist societies.

casualcollapse - 2021-08-13

Lol y'all are wild with those stars..

casualcollapse - 2021-08-13


we could have been close to done with this nightmare if it weren't for you MAH FREEDUMBS asshats

yogarfield - 2021-08-13

Explain the tags, because if you're anti-vax I have words.

casualcollapse - 2021-08-13

Oh they are confirmed anti-vax on previous posts that have been posted here

casualcollapse - 2021-08-13

They were making up some bullshit about the spike protein on the vaccine if I recall which is fully intended so it looks like the virus you're trying to get rid of

yogarfield - 2021-08-14

In that case, an open letter to Lef that he probably won't read:

Your stance is selfish and uninformed, and if COVID had manners it would forego creating viral reservoirs in "woke" anti-vaxxers, and spare the rest of humanity from their existence.

But it doesn't. Seattle was projected as a POI as early as 2019. I got it in in February 2020, before testing was available. If I didn't have a TLC and BPM that (incoming bouncer brag) that far exceed the mean, I would have died.

I had to self-quarantine in my home office while choking and performing the Heimlich maneuver on myself every few days for about a week. Eventually my esophagus tore and I was puking blood. Once I was out of self-quarantine, I taught my girlfriend how to perform the maneuver, and it almost became a bit. The life threatening situation of me choking and subsequently shoving my esophagus back down my throat was happening so often became light-hearted. Or at least it had to be.

Waking or sleeping, I hiccuped every for a month. Heimlich every few days. Afraid to sleep for too long for fear of another episode to come knocking. The second most-convenient suicide bridge in the country is a 2 minute walk from my house, and some nights it was right fucking there.

At the time, I wouldn't have wished that on anybody. After a year and a half of people spouting hoax bullshit, paired with the ignorance and vileness of the general rhetoric they parrot, I can't honestly say I don't hope those types go through it, with the caveat that they die before spreading it or bitching and moaning on their ICU beds.

Get vaccinated.

yogarfield - 2021-08-16

pinging for a response from Lef

also *hiccuped every breath for a month.

yogarfield - 2021-09-11

Pinging Lef again.

casualcollapse - 2021-09-15

Hey Lef you are being paged

yogarfield - 2021-09-15

@casual There will be no response. Whoever is behind that account and his sock puppets has a long history of tucking his tail between his stupid legs and running whenever presented with facts.

Or he got COVID, YOLO.

casualcollapse - 2021-08-13

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, not that too hard to understand

Nominal - 2021-08-13

When it comes to Cracker/Ashtar/Lef, it becomes a headache trying to figure out which is sadder: if they actually believe their shit, or they actually believe the bit they're doing is worthwhile.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-08-13

On Reddit, I saw a post by someone whose uncle had died of covid. She acknowledged that the vaccine would probably have saved his life, and she said she respected him because "He chose freedom" ...but he had the choice already. He was already free to choose, and he could have chosen better. He would have been just as free, and probably more alive, if he didn't choose so badly.

But he "chose freedom", and that meant he had only one choice. It was his perverse idea of freedom that narrowed his options fromn two to one, from smart to stupid. His freedom took away his choice. Adios, Uncle Joe. Enjoy being dead.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-08-13

Uncle Joe: FREE AT LAST!

SolRo - 2021-08-13

No one can tell you what to do when you’re dead!

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