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Comment count is 9
Lef - 2021-07-07

She is charismatic for a cold blooded killer.

decoy - 2021-07-07

She belongs in an Iguana costume

Lef - 2021-07-07

This lady looks like a responsible hunter who would use the animal and not just dump the body. The skin makes for great shoes and purses, but I seriously doubt she could collect enough skins to make an iguana costume. Maybe a cape, possibly with a matching hat.

The meat, imho, is way better than chicken.

In all honesty, what's wrong with her feeding her family? It's better than eating bugs.

decoy - 2021-07-07

I could've sworn she was shot dead through a door window during the insurrection

Gmork - 2021-07-07

submitting things to trigger the libs

ashtar. - 2021-07-08

Effective, apparently.

Crackersmack - 2021-07-08

gmork you're unhappy because you're so fat, you'd be surprised how much some cardio can lift your spirits

SolRo - 2021-07-10


themilkshark - 2021-07-07

Some of these were pets who were dearly loved

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