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Comment count is 6
Born in the RSR - 2021-06-02

At this point just give them heroin or something, it would probably be better for their mental health.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-06-02

Sounds like a great place to light up a joint.

cognitivedissonance - 2021-06-02

I encountered the wellness booth in the wild when I briefly worked for Amazon. Nobody was allowed to use it.

BiggerJ - 2021-06-03

"This room is the most important part of our tour."
"It's just like the other rooms."
"Yes but with one important difference... oh. We took that out. Yes, it is just like the other rooms."


Old_Zircon - 2021-06-03

A normal break room would give workers the chance to talk, and the last thing Amazon wants is their workers talking to each other.

dubz - 2021-06-04

My time.... is yours

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