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Desc:An American parent expressed concern that this might tell kids it's okay to be abused.
Category:Classic TV Clips
Tags:Sesame Street, banned, monsters, Child abuse
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Comment count is 11
Caminante Nocturno - 2007-06-19

The parent who wanted this banned probably beat their children daily.

Aernaroth2 - 2007-06-19

Sounds like she's got monster fever.

Fox-Pixar Media - 2023-07-09

Why didn’t you like the new chipmunk designs
Just look at them

Aernaroth2 - 2023-07-09

People don't have to like the things you like.

Trying to get them to like the things you like (say, by nagging them to in the comments of videos that have nothing to do with the things you like), makes people less likely to do what you ask them to do.

Dib - 2007-06-19

My only regret is that the kid couldn't get beaten up at school the next day. Children need to learn that having faggy complaining parents who ruin things for others is not acceptible. Learned with fourth degree wedgies.

On a side tangent, in elementary school we had this bus driver who would treat the last few kids on the bus to Dairy Queen on his paydays. After most of the kids were dropped off, the few of us remaining would converse and stuff, and he was just that cool of a guy.

Except for this one kid. He told his parents at some point, his parents got all Mrs Lovejoy at the school complaining about how it's inappropriate and all that, so I can only imagine the kind of treatment that guy had to receive. I hope the principal just let him know that he believes the parents are bastards but he can't allow it anyway.

So there were no more trips for ice cream after that, a genuinely nice person got into trouble for doing something nice for kids who weren't even his own, and the rest of the school year was not much fun for the kid because many others saw to it that he suffered much for his parents stupidity.

I like to recap this story on occassion just to illustrate the point about not being bastards, because even if it doesn't come back on you your children _will_ suffer for your behavior.

fpeeingg - 2007-06-21

I was on the same bus. It was 4 years until I had sex with a bus driver again.

Menudo con queso - 2007-06-19

Didn't Ike originally write this tune for Tina?

Stopheles - 2007-06-20


Jeff Fries - 2007-07-31

Sounds like she wants to get boned by a Hell's Angel

klingerbgoode - 2007-11-04


Spoonybard - 2008-04-18

Masoch was a dude. Women who want to be bossed around by their partners are called "normal."

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