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Comment count is 4
jfcaron_ca - 2021-01-22

Man fuck that guy with the unleashed dog.

jangbones - 2021-01-23

yes, he is a special piece of crap, surrounded by so many other pieces of crap, such as Jasmine the nightcrawler

jfcaron_ca - 2021-01-24

I honestly feel bad for most of the others. Poverty, addiction, mental illness, and youth are terrible things. I don't see them all as failed humans, I get the feeling of a failed society. Even this guy who sets up the cameras is part of that society.

Seeing the guy getting his bike back from a thief is pretty cathartic.

Also the one lady/girl who just dances down the sidewalk might be a normal human enjoying life. "Dance like no one's watching" doesn't take into account paranoid surveillance-camera neighbours.

Except the guy with the unleashed dog. That guy needs to get into the ocean.

yogarfield - 2021-01-24

If I woke up here I would immediately bludgeon myself to death.

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