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Comment count is 7
Enjoy - 2007-06-17

Bob Dylan was given one phrase to sing in that song and the asshole had to sing it out of tune. That's why nobody remembers them.

Cheese - 2007-06-17

Nobody knew? It won a grammy, the album topped at #3 on the US charts, this song at #2 and it went double platinum. The box set that came out a few days ago debuted at #1 on the UK charts. I don't think anyone missed this record.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-06-17

You are of course correct.

But I'm constantly amazed by the amount of people who don't know who the fuck these guys were (maybe it's a Canada thing I have no idea).

mr666 - 2007-06-17

With the rerelease of their albums, give them a listen if you get a chance. I can promise you won't regret it.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-06-17

Hell yes I will give them a listen. These guys gave us Tweeter and the Monkey Man for god's sake (sadly, could not find a vid for that one)

baleen - 2007-06-18

I was going to say something mean, but I've had a sudden change of heart. Yes, it's probably a Canadian thing that when you ask people "Have you ever heard the Traveling Wilburys" they just kind of nod their heads... I can't for the life of me imagine how this band would even come up in a conversation repeatedly. "Do you like the Traveling Wilburys?" I can't do it, not without laughing. This is the nicest way I can put it.

zatojones - 2007-06-18

The only super group that has an ugliness requirement. -1 for that ass Bob Dylan

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