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Comment count is 8
Nominal - 2020-07-20

When they both post to PoeTV.com supporting Trump?

ashtar. - 2020-07-20

Nominal flailed his skinny arms furiously at enemies only he could see, frightening a family trying to picnic in the park. "YOU LOVE TRUMP WHY DO YOU LOVE THE CHEETO MAN SO MUCH TRUMP LOVER," he screeched. Sweat began to drip from his forehead. A goose eyed him warily.

ashtar. - 2020-07-20

I'm not very good at creative writing so any feedback/editorial advice is appreciated. Thanks!

Hazelnut - 2020-07-20

Sorry Ashtarsmack, can’t really hear you when you’re deep throating Trump like that. Everything you say these days just sounds like ‘glug glug glug’

Crackersmack - 2020-07-21

libs love to be homophobic

Hazelnut - 2020-07-21

Oops Asher you used the wrong sock

Crackersmack - 2020-07-21

awww you couldn't think of something bigoted to say? I'm disappointed

Pillager - 2020-07-21

No, we don't support senile rapists.

Hawkins/Walker 2020

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