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Comment count is 5
mashedtater - 2020-07-20

Don't be too hard on them, they could never do a clown even though it has alliteration because the one true clown from Chicago is Bozo.

Nominal - 2020-07-20

So, who else has signed up to be a census enumerator due to shit else for income right now? :(

duck&cover - 2020-07-20

Putting notches on his pistol.

ashtar. - 2020-07-20

To the town of Chicago rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
The stranger there among them had a clipboard on his hip
Clipboard on his hip

duck&cover - 2020-07-20

Ghost stars for you.

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