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Desc:Just in case it slipped your mind; Rand Paul is still a massive self-centered asshole
Category:Pets & Animals, Religious
Tags:idiot, Rand Paul, Covid19, just die please
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Comment count is 6
ashtar. - 2020-05-13

Libertarians can't deal with collective action problems. So they pretend they don't exist.

Cena_mark - 2020-05-13

If COVID-19 kills anything it should be this Ayn Rand Libertarian bullshit. This is what happens when a society dedicates more medical resources towards developing boner pills than towards pandemic response.

Cena_mark - 2020-05-13

Rand Paul's neighbor is a hero.

yogarfield - 2020-05-13

This x1000. I would pay large sums to somehow be a fly on the fence for that moment.

Stopheles - 2020-05-14

Rand, we promise to confer with you immediately if it's established that Lazik surgery is an effective treatment for COVID-19.

Binro the Heretic - 2020-05-14

Hey, Rand? You know why the COVID 19 mortality rates are so low in those countries you named off?

It's because they have national healthcare systems and strong social safety nets.

Thinking the US would fare just as well is like thinking you can send a diver into shark-infested waters because the diver in the shark cage survived okay.

Piss on this fucking turd.

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