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Comment count is 13
Rosebeekee - 2020-05-07

If someone doesn’t edit this with Al Bundy walking in while the audience yells, I’m going to be disappointed.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2020-05-09

Thats a *mans* flush.

chumbucket - 2020-05-08

This is the way.

Nominal - 2020-05-08

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say this country is going to be pushed beyond the tipping point if Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn't hold out another 7 months.

simon666 - 2020-05-08

I have had similar thoughts since her cancer treatment and again with her most recent gallbladder issue.

TeenerTot - 2020-05-08

She's a warrior. I believe she holds her body together through sheer force of will, and will only allow herself to dis-incorporate, jedi-style, when the buffoon is booted out of the white house.

Bootymarch - 2020-05-08

It's going to turn into the scrotus.

SolRo - 2020-05-08

I’m bailing the fuck out if this oligarchy gets a 6/9 advocacy panel of ideological sycophants.

After that you pacified dipshits can #hashtag yourselves into feeling better about being ground down under the boot to get the nasdaq half a percentage higher.

Old_Zircon - 2020-05-08

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say this country is going to be pushed beyond the tipping point if Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn't hold out another 55 months.

jangbones - 2020-05-08

we already lost no matter what happens to RBG

Old_Zircon - 2020-05-09

The only real chance we have to keep the supreme court a semi functional entity is to significantly expand itt, to 21 or more.

But the dems don't even have the political will to reconvene the house, so you better believe they aren't going to be rebalancing the supreme court.

simon666 - 2020-05-09

Assuming a Dem win in the Senate in November, which is looking increasingly plausible, the best move is to end the filibuster and give DC statehood by majority vote. Then in two years there will be two new Dems in the Senate and a couple more Dems in the house.

Old_Zircon - 2020-05-08

The anal arguments.

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