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Comment count is 10
boba. - 2007-06-08

better than the other one, but this is still nonsensical underground nerd rap at best, and -1 for the wack video. i'll sell you my copy of this 12" if you want, i bought it when it came out and maybe played it twice.

smoothbrain - 2007-06-08

Listen bob, why don't you post something you consider good and shut your fat yap.

boba. - 2007-06-08

I submitted a bunch of shit but it didn't get approved because it's not nerd enough for this white-ass forum, so I stopped

smoothbrain - 2007-06-09

Maybe it's just because the stuff you posted sucked

boba. - 2007-06-09

please, even you admitted the last one sucked and you gotta admit this video fucking sucks even if you like this song. plus only the biggest wad would think that the coup and blackalicious are somehow better than classic black sheep and gangstarr cuts.

halon - 2007-06-09

Did you just, without irony, call this website "white-ass"? I think you may need to go outside, you ridiculous honky. If you're scared of getting excessively sunburned, I'd bet Mike Jones has some forums you could visit.

boba. - 2007-06-09

oh snap, i don't like this crap so i must be a big mike jones fan!

halon - 2007-06-08

26 stars!

mysterycar - 2007-06-08

someone post chemical calisthenics!

kingarthur - 2007-06-08

That's some powerful alliteration.

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