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Desc:'a community based movement that fights for the rights of YouTube Creators and Users.'
Category:Business, News & Politics
Tags:youtube, slingshot channel, joergsprave, demonetization
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Comment count is 6
SolRo - 2019-08-02

I really do not give the slightest of shits about 99.999% of youtube “creators”, but maybe them unionizing will give young people on the internet a better opinion about unions and that may have positive effects in the real world

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-08-03

Suppose that every second a gigabyte of video data gets uploaded to YouTube, which I believe is something I read maybe five years ago, it's probably more now. Most of that stuff stays up indefinitely. If it's taken down, it's certainly going down a lot slower than it went up.

Every year, every day, every second, the supply of video content is growing faster than the demand, and that means that the value of content continues to plummet. Based on what I've heard from providers, every time YouTube changes the logarthm, partners lose ground financially. Patreon has changed the game considerably, putting the fans in the driver seat, and I believe improving the quality, since a provider's income is no longer determined by how many improvised clickbait titles he or she can crank out. But no one should expect to make a living long term as a you tube partner. It's swimming against the current. Eventually, even a soulless pandering shilling cipher like Logan Paul will have to consider an honest living as a gay hustler.

I've been uploading videos for nine years, since my I have no real idea how many videos I've uploaded, since my 52nd birthday on March 31, 2010, when I was the same age as the guy in the video. I 've started several channels, and for some of those I forgot the usename, or the password, or the email address. So I really have no clear idea how many videos I've uploaded, or how many views I've gotten. A couple have scored in the hundred thousands of views, and many more have scored in the single digits.

It takes a few months or longer to have an opinion of anything I do, so I just upload it all. Cat videos, 70s porn with the sex taken out, recut scenes from Twin Peaks, Some of my videos are pretty bad. a few are inspired, a couple

My most popular channel, omgitsmikegravel, is also my most derivative. A lot of those 2 million views are for outright theft. But I stopped upoloading movies a long time ago, back when you had to cut them into ten minute segments. One of my favorites is a neat little video about Citizens United, where I juxtaposed the news footage with CU propaganda version. It's just a nice clean expression of an idea. It pleases me.


I love my 11 cats, I love my streamdumpster, and I love my youtube. People used to sell their lives away, work at shit jobs and mortgage the houses their fathers built for a chance to make a visual statement, and capture someone's imagination. This would be a great time to be alive, if it wasn't such a terrible time to be alive.

Pillager - 2019-08-03



Dr. Ludwig ~Historical Songs~'s were two content creators who've been nuked off YouTube for baffling reasons.

Hell, a fan video of Sabaton’s “Ghost Division” was banned merely for the WW2 footage it contained.

Is it just me or is there a deck chairs on the Titanic vibe in the air?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-08-03

For me, this is a first amendment issue. Censorship is when the government controls your website. When you control your own website, that's called editing. Freedom of the Press gives YouTube the right to edit content,and editorial decisions are always baffling and arbitrary., and generally contradictory. I've had my stuff taken down from youtube, and it always seems a little unfair, based on the stuff I've gotten away with.

Right now, in the name of "free speech", Trump is threatening to impose censorship on the internet, to protect it from editing. Even for Trump, that's bullshit.

Pillager - 2019-08-03

I can see YouTube/Facebook/et al losing their safe harbor protections & being treated as publishers, not neutral news sources.


https://www.newsweek.com/youtube-holocaust-censorship-hate-spe ech-google-facebook-1444090

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-08-03


Did you notice that "censored" here means age-restricted?

"First they came to age restrict a video of the holocaust, and I said nothing... because I was mostly into gaming videos, and age restriction never really stops kids from seeing anything."

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