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Comment count is 13
That guy - 2019-04-12

in before poetv's maoists

cognitivedissonance - 2019-04-12

Maybe don't quote science fiction villains, they're villains for a reason.

Two Jar Slave - 2019-04-12

My vanity plate "5IGHE1L" is just a reference to the classic Star Trek episode Patterns of Force. Dunno what everybody's problem is.

Meerkat - 2019-04-12

Weird to see my local news on here. But yeah we have lots of indigenous people here. Also, lots of white guys with tenuous claims to "indigenous" heritage used to get around hunting/fishing laws.

simon666 - 2019-04-12

Go Jets go!

Old_Zircon - 2019-04-12

Could have been worse, at least he isn't a Dr. Who fan.

garcet71283 - 2019-04-14

In related news, local man is forced to give up his T4RDIS license plate when special education advocacy group takes offense.

Accidie - 2019-04-12

skinny puppy is canadian too, might score more points with "the crown".

kingofthenothing - 2019-04-12

They're making him assimilate by taking away his license plate.

Ugh - 2019-04-13

okay the contrast of the motto being "friendly manitoba" got a live long and prosper out of me, five beam me ups my fellow ensigns

That guy - 2019-04-13


Ugh - 2019-04-14

wow i'm detecting hostile lifeforms in the butthole nebula

That guy - 2019-04-14

We Buttholians have some pretty nasty torpedoes.

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