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Comment count is 14
Enjoy - 2007-05-29

During the 1966-1976 cultural revolution, Chinese students humilated their teachers and professors. The result was bringing the education system to a halt for 10 years, intellectuals were sent to labor camps, and illiteracy rose to 41%.

Maybe it's a stretch to connect this video to to the cultural revolution but the Chinese government is not happy about this video. Look at some of the other Beijing Boy videos on Youtube to see the press jumping all over these kids.

teethsalad - 2007-05-29

a BIG strech

a handful of pubscent jagoffs knocking off a old man's hat fer kicks is a long ways from roving gangs of red guards denouncing him publically and having him executed as an enemy of the revolution

baleen - 2007-05-29

I can't believe you are connecting this video to the cultural revolution. You are very sensitive to media manipulation, enjoy, but then that's nothing new.

Enjoy - 2007-05-29


It's the Chinese government connecting it. But you small minded lefties have a mental disorder so that's par for the course.

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=070529072143.3ltag6mm& show_article=1

Gamara II - 2007-05-29

Yeah, comparing this to the cultural revolution, even in an offhand comment, is absolutely absurd.

Basically the cultural revolution was a mandate from Mao to purge the intellectual class (i.e., murder) because he was paranoid about having his power challenged. It came from the top. It was like Mccarthyism taken to the extreme. Mao was quite skilled at inciting violence in the populous. People were beaten, robbed of their livelihood and murdered for old grudges, as simply calling anyone a "counter-revolutionary" or "bourgeoise" was a free pass to murder them. The art, history and culture of China was largely eviscerated in a short amount of time with full and calculated support by Mao. Books were burned as well, cultural artifacts and temples and other relics destroyed. Fun times!

Mao particularly encouraged students to commit acts of violence (One of his public quotes to a young female member of the Red Guards was "Be More Violent"). Nobody could fight back against what the students were doing, because they would be thrown in jail for being "counter-revolutionary" as well.

This video is just kids acting up in a class. Not any more indicative of some new Chinese movement than the Chinese kitty-stomping video. Also, in that article Enjoy posted, I don't see any mention of comments from the Chinese government. It just says that "some people" are "reminded".

Camonk - 2007-05-30

Aside from all of the other points made, this kind of thing is incredibly rare in China. There's still a lot of ingrained respect for teachers, though yes Mao and the nominal equality for everyone he tried to create has caused it to decrease a bit. But students still stand up for teachers on the bus or subway. A lot of students still treat a teacher like a third parent.

Speaking of parents: This has a lot more to do with the one child policy than any throwback to the cultural revolution. I can't tell where this is, but a TV in the classroom means it's a big city, where the one child policy will be enforced more strictly. Also, it sounds like they're speaking Cantonese. Guangdong is the richest province in China. With the recent leaps in prosperity here, it's not rare for that one child to be spoiled. This is doubly in true in Guangdong. Hmm, spoiled children acting like jackoffs... What country does that remind me of? Oh well, it'll come to me.

Small-minded lefties, indeed. Fuck your face right off.

Calamity Jon - 2007-05-29

Wow, open-mouthed spazzes laugh exactly the same way in China that they did here in the 7th grade. I have learned something today.

zatojones - 2007-05-29

Don't worry. Most of these kids will be used for cannon fodder in the wars that follow China's inevitable oil-fueled invasion of Central Asia. They probably won't need the education they're squandering.

Blackbetta - 2007-05-29

So why do those Asian kids have higher test scores than us again?

Smellvin - 2007-05-29

Because in the US things like this are so commonplace they aren't even worth taping.

MK_Ultra - 2007-05-30

We are basically going to win out in the end because the Chinese overdo everything, you can't be cool and still get good grades, and the Chinese youth want to be cool SOOOOO badly.

Aelric - 2007-05-30

gotta agree with the proletariat here, this ain't no red guard. red guard went beyond humiliation and got away with murder on several occasions. still, it is sad to see so many jagoffs in one classroom. one aspect of the one child policy is that parents spoil the one kid they are allowed to have, and if they can afford to send them to school, they can afford to turn their kids into asshole.

Enjoy - 2007-05-30

Alright you guys make a good point. The one child policy must be a real underlying cause here. I was pointing out the cultural revolution because the Chinese were afraid of comparisons being made -- rightly or wrongly so.

Putting on my cultural anthropology hat, I find this video fascinating because you would think this behavior is unique to an American inner-city but it is far from it and for maybe different reasons.

I'm a bit surprised these kids behavior hasn't been blamed on Bush but there's still time yet.

athodyd - 2007-06-16

"unique to an American inner-city"

I love right-wing euphemizing. Are you trying to say that these kids are, say, "urban?"

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