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Desc:So bad, and yet, strangely convincing. I'm not sure what to make of the YouTube author's write-up.
Category:Classic Movies
Tags:Emmanuelle in Rios, break up, worst movie scenes, man voice
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Comment count is 7
baleen - 2007-05-27

Maintain eye contact-- A, B, A, B, A, B.

StanleyPain - 2007-05-27

Most annoying breakup ever.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-05-27

I hope she got the porn award for best actress for this. Because that was compelling.

Camonk - 2007-05-27

I just think the acting isn't at the same level as the writing. Though by the sixth "I don't wanna know" in a row, I was pretty drawn in.

KnowFuture - 2007-05-28

Somebody needs to make techno out of samples from this.

longwinded - 2007-05-28


Aubrey McFate - 2007-05-30

Why fast-forward was invented

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