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Comment count is 11
fedex - 2018-09-03

Nice! Creepy as hell, and definitely hits all the right notes...

Marlon Brawndo - 2018-09-03

I'll admit the timeloop thing really took me by surprise. This looks good.

fedex - 2018-09-04

also his eyes in the last closeup

exy - 2018-09-03

Sweeeet. If I had a modern console, this would be most tempting.

Shanghai Tippytap - 2018-09-03

ive been keeping an eye on this game for awhile, I’m glad to see some movement and a release date!

Zoot42 - 2018-09-03

People always rag on how mainstream the cthulu mythos has become, but I love how we finally get good hovercraft inspired media like Stranger Things and hopefully this game.

The Mothership - 2018-09-04

Reminds me of Sunless Sea.

Marlon Brawndo - 2018-09-05

I love that game!!!

The Mothership - 2018-09-06

I liked it too, but it was such a time-suck.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2018-09-04

This is certainly a nice & well executed short film.
How the fuck does it pertain to any *game* though?

I'm betting the 'game' will heavily feature utter shit like.. cutscenes, invisible walls, QT events, animation over responsiveness etc.

Pillager - 2018-09-05

Looking forward to this.

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