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Desc:Because LGBT advocacy is the opposite of religion so it falls under 'church and state'
Category:News & Politics, Religious
Tags:stupid, not gay, tag suggestions welcome, Log cabin
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Comment count is 9
Pillager - 2018-04-05

"Projection", "opposite day", "Logic", "Sleep of Reason", "Log Cabin". Take your pick

blue vein steel - 2018-04-05

This guy went to Uganda to advocate for the government's capital punishment for homosexuality laws. Fuck him.

Meerkat - 2018-04-05

That's what he really wants, he just fears admitting it.

Old_Zircon - 2018-04-05

I knew I recognized his name from somewhere.

Cena_mark - 2018-04-06

Yeah, that was some really shitty shit. Right wing Christians were so pissed off that they aren't allowed to persecute gays like they used to, so they started to selling their homophobia overseas.

MyNameIsUnimportant - 2018-04-05

I don't follow TV news that closely, so I choose to believe that Chuck Morse is just some random guy that Scott called out of the blue to say all this stuff to, and at the end he's getting ready to ask, "Who are you and why are you telling me all this?"

It would certainly explain the bewildered look on his face.

Ugh - 2018-04-05

mighty wide stance of you, pardner

Maggot Brain - 2018-04-05

Some one tell the Pope there is a new gay church in town. Now I just need to find it!

TeenerTot - 2018-04-06

Human rights are based in "marriage and family values?"
So, as a single childless person, I'm what?

Also, OPPOSITE! LOL Dumbass.

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