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Comment count is 8
badideasinaction - 2018-01-23

Needs Bill Nye tag.

Old_Zircon - 2018-01-23

Is he in this? I didn't even catch that! I know he was on Almost Live sometimes.

badideasinaction - 2018-01-24

0:26 I'm pretty sure he's second from the right. Granted white guys in sunglasses and all but fairly sure.

chumbucket - 2018-01-23

Spoiler:L you don't see any of them connect a single solid high five in the entire clip.

yogarfield - 2018-01-23

Always five for Almost Live.

cognitivedissonance - 2018-01-24

Mmmmmm. Canadian Jumbo hot dogs.

That guy - 2018-01-24

My intramural flag football team in college had this very same name, because that's who we were.

That guy - 2018-01-24

SURPRISE TWIST: we won the league.

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