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Comment count is 9
BtheP - 2007-05-13

Dosen't even merit the ironic stars that it cries out for. Awful.

mysterycar - 2007-05-13

from the country that brought us the crazy frog comes this, a band worse than aqua

stanleypain - 2007-05-13

It's not even really that bad on an epic scale, just mind-shatteringly bland and poppy.

timmylean - 2007-05-13

Doesn't really come close to the crap/awesomely crappy line. Just insipid Brit pop.

Hooper_X - 2007-05-14

And, uh, what particular flag is it they're flying?

teethsalad - 2007-05-15

oh god the hurting

ztc - 2007-05-17

Abba meets Mr Humphries, pretty old hat for Eurovision.

The McK - 2007-07-11

Screw you guys, this is hilarious.

baleen - 2008-09-19

This is absolutely terrible.

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