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Desc:The thirsty hordes kept at bay by the efficient beer distribution appartuses.
Category:Fashion, Sports
Tags:beer, Japan, baseball, Pit Stop, Too many videos with the Japan tag to sift through
Submitted:Hugo Gorilla
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Comment count is 10
SolRo - 2017-08-28

The perfect wife, am I right fellas?

(sticks hand down pants)

(flushes toilet)

(male audience laughs/cheers)

Born in the RSR - 2017-08-28

This could only work in Japan.

The Mothership - 2017-08-29

Why don't we have this in America again?

SolRo - 2017-08-29

I imagine it's some marketing manipulation horseshit about mainly selling beer from concession stands so that after you wait in a 30 minute line for a $14 cup of domestic beer you're more likely to buy other things they're peddling since you're already there.

Old_Zircon - 2017-08-29

Because this employs more people.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2017-08-29

I dont think it'd work here. That tiny keg would be empty in about 5 mins.

tesla_weapon - 2017-08-30

Come on, big american girls eating maccas all day could carry a much bigger keg than a tiny japanese girl.

SolRo - 2017-08-30

I don't know which country has the worse labor protections, but I definitely know which country's citizens would not give two shits about seeing a 120lb woman destroying her spine carrying an 80lb keg of budweiser on her back.

SolRo - 2017-08-30

*unless said woman is Korean.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2017-09-13

by "here" I mean Ireland.

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